User since: |
May 26, 2000 at 07:58 UTC
(25 years ago) |
Last here: |
Sep 25, 2007 at 13:40 UTC
(17 years ago) |
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Level: | Prior (17) |
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Location: | Omaha, NE, USA |
User's localtime: |
Feb 11, 2025 at 03:31 CST
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For this user: | Search nodes |
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- Nine Billion Names of ybiC
- Question-asking
- Chatterbox
- Linking and tags
- Levels responsibilities
- Site change
- Voting and reputation
- PM-related stats and sundry
- PM-related code not in Code Catacombs
- Notable PM-related discussions
- Educate
- Amuse
- Edify
- Search-jones
- ybiC drivel
- ybiC code
- ybiC stats
2004-09-10 08:55 CDT
Update 17.stats
- Christian inner-city youth worker, what's still learning some Perl (and some Java)
- Theopholite, philognosor, philosophite.
- freelance switch n' router dude, server guy, pc hw/sw boy
- former corporate drone, offshore instrumentation engineer, mo'cycle mechanic, ditch digger, farmhand, youth, child, baby.
- E coli protein sequence
- Nominated for the Socratic Method Award
- investment consulting firm
- *not* the author of this node
- Monastery towel boy
- question about lighter brands
- PM's favorite troll
- ytiC
- big four-eyed lame-o
- timeless wit
- living breathing .org
- rotund owner of the Travelling Troll
- youth beef industry council
- Canadian Centre for Families Work and Well-Being
- Yerba Buena Ice Center
- putative dehydrogenase
- Yeungjin Business Incubation Center
- ybiC by night
- your bread is Charred
- yell before ingesting Cats, yon bird in Chartreuse
- your bell operating Company
- your breath is Caustic, yellow beef is Cool, you buy interesting Cars, you be intriguingly Correct
- your butt is Cracked, a distinctly non-wacko one
- your brain is Corrupt
- you broke ian's Cookie, you're broiling iguana Chops?
- yellow bellied ig'nant Cowtipper, YHWH be infinitely cleavable
- your brother's inCendiary, you bother internet Chatrooms
- "ybiC" eq "Larry Wall" ??
- you big idiot Charles, young baboon in Charge, your brother in chronic respitory distress, yon brainless idiot chump, your butler is Charles, you bleary i-ed Coffee-requiring-monk
- for (1 .. 100) { print "[ybiC] is loopy" }
- gatekeeper to the secret passage
- yak believe in Christmas
- yet becoming increasingly Christ-like
- your bread is Christ
- Recently mistaken for a stumbling, shaking, unshaven, scruffy-bearded, incoherant mumbling, breath-smelling-of-alcohol*, coat-hat-and-gloves-wearing-even-inside homeless wino by the pastor at his inlaws' church *liquid dayquil
- card-carrying member of the RPJ (Resident Perlmonks Jesusfreaks)
- "Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out."
Ten-and-a-half. Steaming Cowpie
Jesus said, I am the Way - yes, and the Truth and the Life.
john 14:6
We are called to be holy because God, our Father, is holy.
leviticus 20:26
1 peter 1:16
But all our good works are as filthy rags before Him.
isaiah 64:6
But who then can be saved?
mark 10:26
If you say with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your own heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
acts 4:12
Who then can ever keep Christ's love from us ? When we have trouble or calamity, when we are hunted down or destroyed, is it because He doesn't love us anymore ? And if we are hungry, or penniless, or in danger, or threatened with death, has God deserted us?
No... For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can't and life can't. The angels won't, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God's love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are - high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean - nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us.
romans 8:35, 38-39
After washing His disciples' feet, Jesus said, I have given you an example to follow : do as I have done for you.
john 13:15
The List
Marie Hubbel
"You have cast all my sins behind your back." Isaiah 38:17
I face forward,
But behind me drags
The daily lengthened list of my misdeeds,
Leg-ironed to my life,
Brake on every good intent.
I stumble,
Dragging the dead weight,
For death is last entry
On the dark brown list.
Before me, broken stones... and dreams.
Behind, relentless, unerased list.
Forward I cannot move,
Backward I dare not look.
And I cry falling...
"Lord have mercy on such a bounden sinner."
A searing cut, a rending to shreds.
I lift my head and dare to look
And nowhere stands condemning line.
"Where have they gone, Lord?"
"Behind My back, child,
Remembered against you no more."
I face forward,
First a step, and then a leap...
The prinsoner loosed, the captive free.
Lord Christ, keep me ever in this
Unbinding grace.
fellow b's and s's in C
- elusion, George_Sherston, vladb,
- Russ, LD2, c-era, wombat,
- newrisedesigns, mkmcconn, joshua,
- gryphon, brianarn, Mr. Muskrat,
- rruiz, Jouke, Daruma,
- rje, bladx, jdporter,
- Louis_Wu, arrow, fredopalus,
- Zecho, mexnix, traveler,
- pfaut, Rhose, phydeauxarff,
- antirice, menolly, Theo,
- bwelch, ailie, Moriarty,
- Limbic~Region, cfreak, jonadab,
- mr_mischief, RolandGunslinger,
- robot_tourist, bradcathey, kutsu,
- Diakoneo, pboin, herveus,
Jesus, before facing the temptations of today;
I declare my allegience to you, as Your servant and brother.
I proclaim my loyalty to you - You're my Master and rightfully so.
I assert my devotion to you - I'll keep on seeking You and Your will.
I affirm my reliance on you - it's good for me to need You
With solidity and joy, I ask you Jesus;
strengthen me in your power,
renew my mind in your perfection,
purify my heart in your love,
all so I might help others to experience the same!
Intrepid is going to leave now, to finish this exasperating, intense email reconfiguration ... hours from now I'll either be done, or dead.
ybiC - Just then God showed up and said, 'Silly Intrepid. Tonight you die. And your serverfull of email - who gets it?' "That's what happens when you fill your server with Self and not with God."
ybiC - ;^D
Louis_Wu turns around and screams.
ybiC wonders whether ta git th'gun or run away run away
<Louis_Wu> If you can fight NodeReaper, go ahead. I don't think I can, so I run screaming
jcwren mistook it for an Alanis Morrisette concert
<NodeReaper> ybiC is one of /my best friends
ybiC knows how to treat a girl right.
<NodeReaper> ybiC takes me shopping at Victor Hugos Secret
<Louis_Wu> How romantic.
ybiC spews coconut creme pie all over his monitor laughing
<@rocks> Why did you scream? And why do you need Nodereaper, Louis_Wu?
Louis_Wu screamed because the NodeReaper was sneaking up behind somebody.
<ybiC> Oh, she sashays about the Monastery like that all the time. Nothing to fuss over.
<ybiC> She just takes the skinny supermodel theme to it's logical extreme/conclusion.
"God is dead" Nietzsche 1883
"Nietzsche is dead" God 1901
ybiC sneezes!
atcroft moves his hands, and says, "Go, my child, and sneeze no more" :)
ybiC: Ah, that *does* look like a good read. You realize, of course, that Knuth is a committed Christian and that you're being brainwashed ;^D
Petruchio: Committed Christian... does this mean 'Christian who should be committed'? That's redundant. ;-)
"really write cheese?... thought was random trolls..."
Well, it's only circumstantial but through Homeland Security Act, FBI carnivore logs track source to Da Burg. AgentM has an solid alibi, so who else could it be? *shrug*
Jaa... you are like a little girly-coder... your code is so puny, it makes me sick!
Hear me now and believe me later... you must work your flabby little code.
I am writing you and telling you how to make your code... I am here to pump *clap* you up.
Currently learning more about:
- maintenance programming
- writing modules
- packages
- references
- OO
- italiano
- come va? abbastanza bene, grazie. e tu?
- Ci č pių di un modo per fare le cose
Monks I've met in person:
Monks with my same birthday:
- (code) WindowMaker background image rotater
- (code) Netfilter/iptables log parser/reporter for PHB consumption
- Install parallel Perl on Debian
- (code) Command Antivirus Update Fetch+Extract
- (code) Cross-platform unlink all but $n newest $filespec in $dir
- (code) Recursive chmod chown chgrp in 30 lines
- (code) Win32 disk monitor, email notify, event log
- Re: How do I add commas to a number?
- (code) Xp2v.pm
- (code) HTTP connectivity log, or nail up dial connection
- (code) WebMagick, thumbnail index, no javascript
- The Dynamic Duo --or-- Holy Getopt::Long, Pod::UsageMan!
- Re: Save 2 files' diff as 3rd file (working code)
- (code) Ignore The Man Behind The system(rsync) Curtain
- (code) UDP timeout for IO::Socket, plus Pod::Usage with Getopt::Long
- (code) One-liner parses ippl log for suspicious packets
- (code) One-liner removes whitespace-only lines from text file
- (code) One-liner adds HTML breaks to text file
- interpolation with filetest operators
- (code) Dynamic DNS Update with IO::Interface (look Ma, no backticks!)
- (code) Poor Man's TACACS - automate CatOS and IOS password resets with Net::Telnet::Cisco and Net::SNMP
- (code) Net::SNMP, Bandwidth, GnuPlot, PNG, PostScript, Excel
- create file with current date for name
- (code) Re: (2) More efficient munging... (improved lc() uc() snippet)
- (code) Resolve list of DNS names
- (code) Just Another Net::FTP Script
- (code) Yet Another Gzip Tarball Script
- (code) Directory of HTML to PostScript and PDF
- (code) Net::SNMP, table-ish interface stats
- (code) Cisco errdisable (no password timeout if Win32)
- (code) Array Play
- (code) Re: cross-platform timeout on user input (Grrr!! "not supported on this platform")
- (code) LWP with auth proxy
- (code) IP address - decimal to octal
- (code) text2xls.pl (was csv2xls.pl)
- (code) Cisco sho ver
- hash n' params
- (code) Check for particular services running on remote WinNT host(s)
- (code) Cisco Neighbors
- (code) Re: Internet Connection Uptime Logger (mucked over)
- (code) scratching the surface of File::Temp
- (code) Re: can create with File::Temp but not unlink (close enough 8^)
- (code) Toy Template
- How to populate array with lines from text file? (Moved from Q&A)
- (code) Re: (4) in-place edit, regex, one-liner (Mo' Betta)
- (code) RE: Scalars as hash keys? (solution!)
- Re: How do I test whether a file has some contents or not?
- (code) mind your snmPs & Qs
- (code) MAC n' IP cheese ;
- (code) RE: extract uniques and sort (thanks. 1WTDI)
- (code) neither clever nor useful array vs. hash example
- perl -we 'for(1..7){print "Thanks tilly!\n";}'
- perl -e 'print reverse <>' < file (reverse line order - first to last, last to first)
- $host = "switch${$i}a"
- for(@arrary){...}
- while(<FH>){...}
- print $_ for (@{$obj->err}); (dereference array ref)
- print "$_\n" for keys %INC; (show all modules accessible in program)
- expression ? returnIfTrue : returnIfFalse; (trinary op)
- perldoc perllocal (list all installed CPAN module)
- Pass a hash to a sub:
sub mysub { my %hash = %{ shift }; }
- perl -MO=Deparse
- perl -we 'print "Thanks Mr. Muskrat!\n" for(1..40);'
- my @files= glob("*.txt");
- perl -le 'print map{sprintf q(%d;),$_}unpack q(C*),shift'string_to_HTML_encode
ppm install PAR
pp -o htmlencode.exe -e "print map{sprintf q(%d;),$_}unpack q(C*),shift"
htmlencode foo
htmlencode "foo&"
htmlencode \"
- perldoc -l Module::Name
- perl -MCPAN::Module -le 'print $INC{"CPAN/Module.pm"}'
- s/ foo /CTRL-V CTRL-M/g oooor s/ foo /\r/g (globally replace ' foo ' with linebreak)
- :set textwidth=75... gqap
- make install UNINST=1
- cat filename | sed -e 's/$/.subdomain.dom/' > newfilename (make list of hostnames to be fully-qualified)
- h2xs -X -c -n name -v n.nn
- :w !lpr -P lp7
- File::Find, Win32::NetResource, Win32::Perms
- perl -e 'for (@ARGV) { next unless /(.*)\.wav/; system("oggenc -q 5 -o $1.ogg $_");}' *
- for i in *.wav do; f=${$i%.wav}; oggenc -q 5 -o $f.ogg $i; done
Code by fellow monks of particular interest to /me:
- 0 min rep
- 143 max rep
- 6538 total rep
- 13.56 avg rep
- 13.57 max avg rep 2005-09-09
- 997361 xp to level vroom
- 997361 min xp to level vroom 2005-09-09
- Last seen atop 'other users' list 2005-08-27
- Greatest number of other monks spotted: 62 on 2004-01-28
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Personal nodelet by Personal Nodelet Extractor and Restorer
Experience to level vroom by (code) Xp2v.pm and/or Automate your PerlMonks activities
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