in reply to Media Player - CPU Usage

You're using up 100% of one of the cores checking the conditions of the while loop as fast as possible. You need to sleep between checks.

while ('blah') { sleep 1; # in seconds select(undef,undef,undef, 0.1); # Or doze off for fractional seconds }

Should do. Adjust the numbers depending on how much CPU you want to spend vs how quickly you want to notice that the loop condition has changed.

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Re^2: Media Player - CPU Usage
by roho (Bishop) on Nov 28, 2012 at 22:08 UTC
    Thank you! Adding sleep 1 took care of the problem. As Lotus1 pointed out below, the synopsis includes sleep 1, but it is withing an infinite while loop.

    "Its not how hard you work, its how much you get done."