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Re: Hashes Question

by ColonelPanic (Friar)
on Nov 30, 2012 at 08:36 UTC ( [id://1006427]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Hashes Question

Here is an example of how you could recurse through a structure of hash references in practice.

It uses the ref function to determine whether a given level is a hash reference.

use Modern::Perl; my %ref_chain = ( 'key1' => { 'key2' => { 'key3' => 'not a reference' } }, 'key4' => { 'key5' => 'no ref here' } ); sub traverse_hashes { my $hashref = shift; foreach my $key (keys %$hashref) { if (ref $hashref->{$key} eq 'HASH') { say "$key is a hash ref. Recursing."; traverse_hashes($hashref->{$key}); } else { say "$key is not a hash ref (value: $hashref->{$key})"; } } } traverse_hashes(\%ref_chain);

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