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Re^2: using eval or equivalent to automatically generate my statements

by ISAI student (Scribe)
on Dec 14, 2012 at 07:13 UTC ( [id://1008785]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: using eval or equivalent to automatically generate my statements
in thread using eval or equivalent to automatically generate my statements

Thank you for all yor help. Unofortunaely, I was granted very short time to do a rather thankless task. Theoretically, scratching it and start anew is the way to go. I have no management green light to do so, and the decision is not without reason. It took > 5 years of on-going user feedback to get where we wanted.

I was hoping to see some really cool PERL magic, it may be for the best, but it would have been one cool metaprogramming feat...
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Re^3: using eval or equivalent to automatically generate my statements
by tobyink (Canon) on Dec 14, 2012 at 10:22 UTC

    OK, so as not to disappoint...

    Introducing Acme::Asplode: it lets you drag your caller's lexical variables kicking and screaming into your sub. Ought to work in Perl 5.12+.

    Example usage...

    use 5.012; use strict; use warnings; use Acme::Asplode; sub bar { asplode($x, $y); # steal lexical variables from our caller! say $x; say $y; asplode @A, $z; # steal moar lexicals!!! say $z; $z++; # alter our caller's lexical variable!! say for @A; }; sub foo { my $x = 1; my $y = 2; my $z = 3; my @A = qw(a b c); bar(); say "Z is changed: $z"; } foo();

    Update: Acme::Asplode, renamed Acme::Lexical::Thief is now on CPAN.

    perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'

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