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poll ideas quest 2013

by pollsters (Initiate)
on Jan 01, 2013 at 13:25 UTC ( [id://1011151]=quest: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Quest starts at:Jan 01, 2013 at 05:00 UTC
Quest ends at:Dec 31, 2013 at 05:00 UTC

This quest has ended

First, read How do I create a Poll?. Then suggest your poll here. Complete ideas are more likely to be used.

Note that links may be used in choices but not in the title.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by FloydATC (Deacon) on Aug 25, 2013 at 16:23 UTC
    What kind of computer peripheral problems annoy you the most?
    • Printer out of paper
    • Printer paper jams (real ones)
    • Printer paper jams (fake ones, no paper is actually stuck)
    • Printer insists on different paper format (e.g. "load letter")
    • Printer prints gibberish
    • Printer prints blank pages
    • Printer output wraps/doesn't match the preview
    • Printer prints special characters incorrectly
    • Printer says it's out of ink or toner but isn't
    • Printer actually out of ink or toner
    • Printer actually out of ink or toner that can no longer be obtained
    • Printer just sitting there, online but still doesn't print
    • Printer needs replacement part that costs more than a new printer
    • Printer needs replacement part that can no longer be obtained
    • Printer driver doesn't exist for my OS/version
    • Printer driver exists but refuses to install
    • Printer driver exists but constantly crashes
    • Printer driver exists but randomly crashes
    • Other, I have different printer problems
    • None, I no longer own/try to use a printer
    -- FloydATC

    Time flies when you don't know what you're doing

      What kind of computer peripheral problems annoy you the most?

      • Printer...

      Most accurate observation! ++

      Cheers, Sören

      Créateur des bugs mobiles - let loose once, run everywhere.
      (hooked on the Perl Programming language)

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by talexb (Chancellor) on Feb 20, 2013 at 15:18 UTC

    Where were you at epoch == 0?

    • A gleam in my grandparent's eyes
    • A gleam in my parent's eyes
    • In diapers
    • Pre-school
    • Elementary school
    • High school
    • College/University
    • Working full-time
    • Retired

    Alex / talexb / Toronto

    "Groklaw is the open-source mentality applied to legal research" ~ Linus Torvalds

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by punch_card_don (Curate) on Mar 27, 2013 at 13:16 UTC
    Poll Title: How many man-hours would you estimate you have invested in learning Perl?

    We all have only so many hours of life available to us. We must use some of those to learn the skills that allow us to make a living so we can use the remaining hours to do other things. Those learing hours are an investment in the quality of the other hours. The more we invest in learning a skill, the more we have a personal interest in ensuring that skill is well seen and in-demand.

    How many man-hours would you estimate you have invested in learning Perl?

    • Zero - I'm just a bot passing through.
    • Just a few - I'm new to this, and now totally freaked out by the number of hours implied in the answers below.
    • Hundreds - So what can I do to help make Perl an in-demand language so I get the maximum return on my investment?
    • None - I refuse to acknowledge the term man hours, you patriarchical pig. But I have many person-hours. And let me tell you.....
    • More time than I've spent learning basic social skills.
    • What "other things"? All my time goes to learning Perl. It's become an obsession.
    • The beauty of Perl is that while the well of capabilities is deep, the basic framework is so intuitive that you can become pretty darn productive very quickly, so while my total hours invested is low, I want to point out that my ability to produce in Perl is much greater than you might expect by that number.
    • Thanks to Scalosian water, I learned everything there is to know about Perl in a blink of your un-accelerated eye.

    Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

      One of the best poll sugestions I've seen ever! :)

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
      The question can not be answered. I started using Perl back around 1990 and am still learning what it can do with every new project I work on.
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (nutrient class)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Apr 09, 2013 at 16:26 UTC
      • Salt (Chocolate Covered Pretzels are the Greatest Invention of the Last Century)
      • Chocolate covered Espresso Beans
      • Chocolate covered Raspberries
      • Chocolate covered Blueberries
      • Chocolate and most anything else (I sense a pattern here....)

      I Go Back to Sleep, Now.




      A Monk aims to give answers to those who have none, and to learn from those who know more.

      sweet, sweet crack

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by tobyink (Canon) on Jan 02, 2013 at 18:30 UTC

    My next project will...

    perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'

      There's one answer missing:

      • I'm using bare metal perl for generating python classes.


      Excuse me, it's Friday

        I once wrote PHP which generated ASP+VBScript code as output. These PHP scripts were run through the PHP command-line client (not Apache mod_php) which was called from a Perl script, triggered by cron.

        String escaping was... err... "fun".

        package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name
      Why focus on just OO? What if the project uses some other kind of module (DBI or Dancer), or doesn't use OO at all?

      Perhaps what you're really asking is "What OO technology will you use in your next OO project"?

        Why focus on just OO? Because polls need a focus, and that is as good a focus as any other.

        Might as well ask why the current poll focuses on new year's resolutions and doesn't have any options for indicating your favourite Buffy character.

        perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'

        What does OO mean?

Re: poll ideas quest 2013 - I Don't use CPAN because
by Random_Walk (Prior) on Jun 05, 2013 at 09:23 UTC

    We all keep seeing it.

    I am trying to do X, for which there is a perfectly good CPAN module. However I can't use CPAN because:

    1. I am new to Perl. What's CPAN?
    2. I am behind a firewall and can not get CPAN working
    3. Yesterday I invented a round thing to roll stuff on. I think it may catch on
    4. I do not understand CPAN and can not get modules installed
    5. My sysadmins will not let me install modules
    6. I will be distributing my code to hosts not 100% under my control. I do not want to add dependencies
    7. The company I work for do not want to use open source software. IBM gave us our copy of Perl.
    8. I am in a secure environment and we are not allowed to install un-audited code
    9. I use MCPAN you fool: perl -MCPAN -e shell
    10. I use CPANPLUS
    11. 'I' don't use CPAN. I have a sysadmin fairy who installs everything I need
    12. My filesystem is controlled by puppet. Soon after I install a module from CPAN, it is automatically deleted by puppet.
    13. I don't use CPAN, as my SA has installed *ALL* modules in the cloud
    14. I do use CPAN. Please stop casting aspersions

    Suggested resolutions to these objections, both technical and social, will earn extra points. Points 7 (no open source) and 8 (no un-audited code) are the ones I find the stickiest. Some clients, even though they are running Perl and probably Apache servers, some Python etc. see CPAN modules as a bit too open-sourcy.


    12. and 13. thanks to Tux


    Pereant, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt!
      • My home folder is controlled by puppet, and soon after I install a module from CPAN into my private space, it is automatically deleted by puppet.
      • I don't use CPAN, as my SA has installed *ALL* modules in the cloud

      Point 9 and 10 are not appropriate, as it conflicts with the question

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

        Good ideas, I will add them. Points 9 and 10 may not be logically valid but this is intended as a bit of fun. The point of not being able to use open source is also not logically consistent but it is the kind of answer one encounters IRL.


        Pereant, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt!
      • I am on a plane/boat/train/motorcycle/camel without reliable internet access and my MINICPAN usb stick fell out of my pocket.
How Modern Is Your Perl?
by moritz (Cardinal) on Jan 17, 2013 at 17:49 UTC

    What version of perl do you use in a production setting (pick the most-deployed if there are several versions)?

    • 5.6 or older
    • 5.8
    • 5.10
    • 5.12
    • 5.14
    • 5.16
    • 5.17 or newer - I walk the bleeding edge
    • No production setting, or no perl
      • 5.18 or newer - and I drive a DeLorean
      perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'
      5.10 but we still have to use 5.8 on our work desktops because the company does not want to upgrade to anything newer. Company policy states we cannot install any software without permission so trying to get anything newer is futile. It may be time to try to convince them to at least upgrade to 5.10 to match the version in AIX.
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by choroba (Cardinal) on Sep 09, 2013 at 10:36 UTC

    Source code repository

    What source code repository do you use the most often?

    لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ

      Github and/or other public git repository

      I use a plethora of remote git repositories, including gitbuh, perl.git and, as well as private (company) remote git repo's. I also use many remote repositories of other types with git when support for clone is available, like svn and bzr.

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
        Well, I wanted the poll to be more about particular repositories (that's why Bitbucket and Github are separated), not version control systems. That's why asked "most often", as I can imagine some people work with anything imaginable time to time.
        لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
Re: poll ideas quest 2013: parsing XML
by Discipulus (Canon) on Nov 21, 2013 at 12:00 UTC

    How do you parse XML?


    I come across this shaggy thing XML is some month ago. I was impressed by the TIMTOWTDI learning path to choose between. I've eard many different answers to my questions from many respectable monks here. I followed many false (to me) path before choosing a way to get rid of it. I'll very like to know your preferred tool to shave XML before eating it.
    Humorism is welcome, but if you can, please argoument your vote somehow: I think this can result in an interesting thread.

    Update: as suggested by ambrus
    There are no rules, there are no thumbs..
    Reinvent the wheel, then learn The Wheel; may be one day you reinvent one of THE WHEELS.
      Probably not surprising from me: XML::XSH2, a wrapper around XML::LibXML
      لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by Tommy (Chaplain) on Jan 17, 2013 at 16:25 UTC


    The entire basis for this poll is contained in node Roll Call - How new is your Perl?

    The basic question is: how old is the perl you're working with (i.e.- at your $job). And by extension, do you get to use Modern::Perl at $work?


    You can generally choose whatever version of Perl you want to use at $home. It's not an issue. You have choice. On the other hand, at $work things are often much more restrictive.

    Poll: Modern::Perl at $work

    • I get to use Modern::Perl features (and like it)
    • I have to use Modern::Perl features (and hate it)
    • I can't use newer Perl features at all, but I would If I could. I'm stuck at 5.8.8 or below.
    • I'm happy to just use regular Perl features dating back to the turn of the century, tried, true, and all I need.
    • Are you kidding? Everything I do is a one-file-hack because I'm not allowed to use anything but core modules anyway and upgrading is totally out of the question.
    • What is Modern::Perl?
    • I think everyone should be using Lisp, and never shut up about it.
    A mistake can be valuable or costly, depending on how faithfully you pursue correction

      Hard to answer, when I have the modernests perl versions installed, but NEVER ever use Modern::Perl (on purpose). use 5.16.2; + use warnings; is more than enough for me. (FWIW I have 134 versions of perl installed on my laptop, I do not want to install Modern::Perl on them :)

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn


      I get to use Modern::Perl features (and like it).

      Perlpetually Indebted To PerlMonks

      use Learning::Perl; use Beginning::Perl::Ovid; print "Awesome Books";

      I'm happy to just use regular Perl features dating back to the turn of the century, tried, true, and all I need. but then i and my collegues are doing pretty simple stuff with Perl.
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (T shirts)
by davies (Monsignor) on Jul 16, 2013 at 07:30 UTC

    T shirts

  • My job went to India
  • My money went to Nigeria
  • My boss ordered everything rewritten in PHP
  • I said I don't wear T shirts
  • I paid €80 for a unique T shirt

    ... and all I got was this lousy T shirt


    John Davies

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by jthalhammer (Friar) on Apr 12, 2013 at 06:23 UTC

    Hello Monks,

    I'm doing some market research for Stratopan. I'd like to know how people manage the upgrade and deployment of CPAN modules. Some of the choices I see are:

    • Install from a local mini CPAN
    • Vendor packages (RPM, PPM, Debian Pkgs)
    • Install directly from public CPAN
    • Stash the tarballs from CPAN in version control
    • Build the modules directly into our source tree
    • Use carton and/or cpanfile
    • Don't use any CPAN modules
    • Never upgrade any CPAN modules

    Aside just helping me, I think this poll would shed some light on how CPAN modules are handled in the wild, which could lead to some insights on how to improve the toolchain

    I'd really appreciate if you all would consider running this poll in the near future. Thanks for your time


Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (books)
by Arunbear (Prior) on Jul 24, 2013 at 11:27 UTC
    What do you do with unwanted books?
    • Sell them
    • Give them away
    • Use them as fuel
    • Use them as door-stops
    • something else
      I read them anyway. I just love letters!
      لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
      • Return them to the owner(s) I borrowed them from.
      • Burn another audio-book on the CD/RW
      • Stock them in the attic for sentimental/nostalgic value (e.g. a book about the architecture of the MC6802 chip might be considered "unwanted" in the current era, but is *was* where I started assembler and having fun writing disassemblers)

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

        Stock them in the attic

        uh-oh, that for a firestarter :-(

        Cheers, Sören

        Créateur des bugs mobiles - let loose once, run everywhere.
        (hooked on the Perl Programming language)

      There is no such thing as unwanted books!

        There is no such thing as unwanted books!

        Would you like to come over and collect some of mine, then?

        Cheers, Sören

        Créateur des bugs mobiles - let loose once, run everywhere.
        (hooked on the Perl Programming language)

        Well... maybe "unloved" would make your wisdom fit my view more precisely... because sometimes, "unwanted" overcomes "loved" for lack of an endowment to expand my shelf space... and a lack of eager recipients for old CP/M or RT11 docs. : - )

        If you didn't program your executable by toggling in binary, it wasn't really programming!

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by tobyink (Canon) on Nov 09, 2013 at 13:37 UTC
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by pachydermic (Beadle) on Apr 26, 2013 at 21:30 UTC
    Who/what scares you the most?
    • Google
    • Apple
    • Microsoft
    • Government of the USA
    • Government of China
    • Yourself
    • Missing semicolons
    • Seaweed touching your leg when you're in the ocean/lake
    • Walking through spiderwebs
    • Accidentally using rm -rf on the wrong directory
    Any other ideas?

      "Fear itself"

      package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (continents)
by Arunbear (Prior) on Apr 24, 2013 at 09:18 UTC

    How many continents have you visited?

    • 0
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    And on a more philosophical note:

    How many continents are there?

    • 7 (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, N America, S America)
    • 6 (Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Eurasia, N America, S America)
    • 5 (Afro-Eurasia, Antarctica, Australia, N America, S America)
    • 4 (Afro-Eurasia, America, Antarctica, Australia)
      You are missing the lost/sunken one ;-)
      • 8 (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Atlantis, Australia, Europe, N America, S America)

      How many continents are there?

      I have often seen and heard mention of Oceania for a great number of the Pacific islands, often also including a few of the bigger ones.

      Also Greenland as part of neither Americas nor Europe, but not too often.

      And if Eurasafrica should be 3 continents with that massive land border between Asia and Europe, the "Indian subcontinent" should also be raised to be a full continent.

      I am looking forward to what you make of it :-)

      Cheers, Sören

      No option to have Santa have his own continent? Why opt-in Antarctica as a seperate continent, but not the North Pole?

      /me visited 2 (Europe: many countries and N-America: US and Canada). I sometimes experience the U.K. as not being part of Europe, but that is OT for this quest.

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

        Because the North Pole is just a big icecube. The Antarctic has land: lots of it; more than Australia; more than Europe.

        package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name
        Santa already has his own continent: N-America (the home of Coca-Cola and friends ;)
      What about asking the number of countries rather than continents? There might be less doubt about what is (or was at the time of the visit) a country.
      لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
        There are many more countries than continents ;) What would the options be if the topic was countries?
      Three: Afro-Eurasia, America, Antarctica. Australia is too small to be a continent
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 - I use Perl for...
by Random_Walk (Prior) on May 09, 2013 at 15:22 UTC

    I use Perl for

    The main reason, other than pure pleasure, for which I use the Perl language is:

    • Driving a modern website
    • Driving a heritage website, use CGI;
    • Bio-Informatics. Super search ACGT to find my posts.
    • Systems Management Duct tape
    • Measuring the temperature of my teapot Warming the pot
    • Practical Extraction and Reporting
    • ETL
    • One liners


    Pereant, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt!
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by atcroft (Abbot) on Oct 10, 2013 at 21:04 UTC

    Question/Topic: Do you use Perl::Critic/perlcritic in your coding projects?

    • Yes-executed automagically by my VCS of choice on commit.
    • Yes-executed automagically by my editor of choice on save.
    • Yes-'perlcritic -5' (be gentle with me).
    • Yes-'perlcritic -4' (Ooooh! I like it when you are stern with me).
    • Yes-'perlcritic -3' (Harsher! Harsher! Oh yeah!).
    • Yes-'perlcritic -2' (the crueler you are, the stronger I become).
    • Yes-'perlcritic -1' (for only by brutal honesty can I strive for coding perfection).
    • Yes-but the level I use depends on what I am working on.
    • Intermittently-depends on the project/code I am working on.
    • Intermittently-but trying to get better about it.
    • Intermittently-when I think of it.
    • Intermittently-I am just starting to try it out.
    • No-I am aware of "best practices", but object to one or more suggested in the book.
    • No-I am aware of "best practices", but who has the time??
    • No-I let someone else (CowboyNeal, paco, NodeReaper, etc.) run it for me.
    • No-I've written code for nn+ years-I don't need some script trying to tell me how to code.
    • No-I don't need no stinking "best practices"!!
    • No-does this mean you will not do my homework for me??
    • What are these "best practices" of which you speak?

      Yes, sometimes, but only manually and with a big .perlcriticrc to change some stupid defaults and disable about 40 modules to make perfect even more perfect.

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (rename)
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 20, 2013 at 14:44 UTC
    Should Perl 6 be renamed?
    • Yes
    • Hell yes!
      Or perhaps: To what should Perl 6 be renamed?

        Installing "Perl Hell yes!" does sound interesting but I don't think it would work well in a corporate environment.

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by chacham (Prior) on Sep 29, 2013 at 18:57 UTC

    I hate everybody because:

    • they don't use strict
    • they think newer is better
    • they don't realize that less is more
    • they think movie rewrites add value
    • they replace functional titles with nonsensical neologisms
    • they don't appreciate low uids
    • they login as root
    • they use those newfangled graphical "environments"
    • they don't admit their ignorance when they "re-invent" things that have been around since forever
    • because i can, dag nabit!

      • reciprocity
      لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by zentara (Cardinal) on Jan 02, 2013 at 13:15 UTC

      In 200 years there will be many people claiming Perl is dead. And others will respond by pointing to the million modules on CPAN. The community will be waiting eagerly for Perl 17 (as for the last 20 years), and use the stable version 16.42.1 meanwhile. Except for some poor fellows who have to mantain legacy-code written in Perl 6.

      So all will be fine ... at least till the next overflow of the Mayan calendar.

      Happy New Year to all of you! Rata
        Actually, there'll be another small remnant: contracters who took jobs maintaining code in a firm that still uses 5.8.
        I'm thinking we will wear a helmet which picks up our thought patterns and converts them to Perl code

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
        Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh
        Well, I think I did. Did'nt it say
        1. Post a new note in the poll ideas quest 2013 thread, containing your suggested poll.
        2. Send a message to the pollsters (/msg pollsters) pointing them at your new note in the poll ideas quest 2013 thread.
        3. Go on about your life as if nothing has happened. 

        So I satisfied number 1. As to your complaint Did you not bother to read How do I create a Poll? or fail to understand it?

        Are you referring to item #2? If so, the only people who would know I didn't /msg the pollsters, would be the pollsters themselves. So if you are a pollster, you already know my suggested idea, why should I /msg you now? :-) Is this the government or something? :-)

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
        Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (belt)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Jul 30, 2013 at 07:59 UTC

    My favourite fictional belt is the …

    • Girdle of Melian
    • Girdle of Aphrodite
    • Girdle of Hyppolita
    • Orion's belt
    • Belt of Ozma
    • Batman's utility belt
    • Ring of Kafrene
    • Other (please comment)

    Btw, didn't a doctor somewhere in the Space Odyssey series have a medical tool belt of holding? It's been a while since I've read that.

    Update: changed poll question and added answers suggested by Happy-the-monk and Arunbear. Keep suggesting more. Question was: “My favourite mythical magical girdle is the …”

    Update 2017-08-07: added the ring of Kafrene (from Star Wars: Rogue One).

      Orion's Belt.

      Cheers, Sören

      Créateur des bugs mobiles - let loose once, run everywhere.
      (hooked on the Perl Programming language)

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by B-Man (Acolyte) on Mar 22, 2013 at 13:32 UTC
    You're free to ignore the spoiler. It's the previous way this question was set up.

    How do you write your curly brackets?

  • K&R style
  • Variant: 1TBS
  • Allman style
  • BSD KNF style
  • Whitesmiths style
  • GNU style
  • Horstmann style
  • Pico style
  • Banner style
  • Lisp style
  • Ratliff style
  • Compact control readability style
  • Other, they all suck
  • Style? I dunno, that's done in the automated integration process
  • With special thanks to Tux for giving me a refined, "poll-ready" list. If you need help with the style names, please visit the Wikipedia page on the matter.

      Are those the only two options? See wikipedia for a longer list of styles. I use banner style, and I also have my reasons to use it: I thought about it. I'm afraid a lot of fresh coders just follow what they were fed at school or what their editor-of-choice gives as prefered style.

      sub foo { if (bar) { # Blah! } } # foo

      WAY more important than what style is used, is that the style is used consistently and by all members in the team.

      FWIW I do not think this would be a good poll. It would lead to flame wars.

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

        I agree that consistency in a team is important. I think that programmer should learn how to flexibly write their code to conform to a current project's standards. However, this question isn't asking for the "best" method or even the one you should use in practice on any given project. It's just asking for your preferred method that you would use if you were coding something all by yourself for whatever reason. What method would you use if you were working on a simple project at home or whatever?

        If this causes flame wars, than it speaks of the stubborness of Perl programmers in a very negative way. I hope you guys aren't really that stubborn. Geez. I'm not asking for a "correct" answer.

        P.S.: Do you have any idea how condescending it is to say that you use your style because you "thought about it," while others who aren't "veterans" like yourself "just follow what they were fed at school or what their editor-of-choice gives as prefered style." Of course us "newbies" can't actually have real justifications for why we use a style! We're just stupid like that, aren't we?

        P.P.S.: Okay, so there are more than just two styles. After all, whitespace is fairly "free form" and has no real affect on your code other than readability. If you want to take it that far, I could make some big huge list of styles and have them all be options, or "reference the names" and link to each type for people to actually look up. For most of us, that requires a lot of extra reading to use styles that we probably didn't even think of as having names. Seriously, I think it says a lot about you that you're linking to named styles. They're important, but most of us don't care what the styles are called! You really don't have to know that you're using "Lisp Style" to use it. e_e The only real purpose it "serves" as is a way to quickly referene what you mean without fullly describing it.

      I actually use the second method, much to the persistent annoyance of just about everybody I've ever worked with. It lets me see the structure of the code on a teeny font and pressures me to keep my routines small, so they fit on the screen.

        I honestly am not sure why the former method is so popular. I think it's a pain to read, and quite annoying to fix when you have an unmached bracket. Those are easy to get when you're doing any sort of sigificant code building or modification.

      Please try to rephrase this poll idea in a way that you think could appear verbatim in a poll. The pollsters won't make a poll with nine-line code snippets embedded in a poll answer. Quoting How do I create a Poll?, “Draft the complete wording of your poll. No one will do it for you.”

        Bleh. I'm sure I ruffled a few feathers with my rather terse attitude earlier in this post. I'm in the middle of building a spider for my company's intranet. When I have a bit of time I'll fix my poll by using style name references. Please be patient. :)

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 10, 2013 at 10:40 UTC

    Jokes are:

    • Good
    • Bad
    • Ugly
    • Forbidden
    • Jocular
    • Fundamental
    • Elementary
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by vsespb (Chaplain) on Sep 09, 2013 at 11:26 UTC
    What other programming language do you use on regular basis? (pick just one):
    • Perl only or Perl + client side JavaScript or Perl + XS code
    • C
    • C++
    • Python
    • PHP
    • Ruby
    • Java
    • Lua
    • .NET (C#, VB)
    • Haskell
    • Scala
    • Lisp
    • Erlang
    • Server side JavaScript
    I updated post: replaced JavaScipt with Server side JavaScript (as idea of this poll is highlight competing languages, and JavaScript widely used by perl web programmers) + added some languages.

      Bad poll: this will require tickboxes or complicated answer possibilities

      • Most of the above
      • None of the above
      • Old-school unix: sh, csh, sed, awk
      • At least 3 of the above
      • At least 5 of the above
      • At least 7 of the above
      • At least 9 of the above
      • All of the scripting languages above

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
        I don't care how many user use "At least 5 of the above" languages.
        One should choose just one (favourite) language even if he/she use several.



      Pereant, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt!
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by perl514 (Pilgrim) on Apr 13, 2013 at 19:22 UTC

    Hi Pollsters,

    Given below is my suggestion for Poll-

    Which is your most preferred Linux Flavor? Could be the one that you use at work or at your home.

    Options Are:


    Ubuntu LTS

    Ubuntu (NON LTS)



    Scientific Linux

    Red Hat Linux

    Suse Linux


    SlackWare or SlackWare Based

    Arch Linux or Arch based

    Gentoo or Gentoo Based


    Fedora or Fedora Based

    Mint Linux

    Mint Debian

    How could you possibly miss my Linux Flavor???

    Nopes, I am a Solaris User...and it rocks

    Nopes, I am a FreeBSD/PCBSD/NetBSD user...and it rocks..

    Windows....I use Windows..and it rocks...

    I really don't care...As long as the system spews out something meaningful when I do a perl --version, I am in business...

    Perlpetually Indebted To PerlMonks

    use Learning::Perl; use Beginning::Perl::Ovid; print "Awesome Books"; is a boon for Windows.



      My apologies for missing it out. I had been through the links in the "how to put up a poll", but didn't find this one.

      Perlpetually Indebted To PerlMonks

      use Learning::Perl; use Beginning::Perl::Ovid; print "Awesome Books"; is a boon for Windows.

Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 09, 2013 at 18:19 UTC
    Perl 6 has failed mainly due to ...
    • Lack of sponsorship
    • Overambitious goals
    • Bad luck
    • Mismanagement
    • Incompetence
    • Some other reason
      • It hasn't failed, it's resting!
      A Monk aims to give answers to those who have none, and to learn from those who know more.
Re: poll ideas quest 2013 (Medea)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Feb 11, 2013 at 11:00 UTC

    Has Medea betrayed Aeëtes?

    • No
    • Yes
Re: poll ideas quest 2013
by manukm (Initiate) on Apr 18, 2013 at 09:35 UTC
    The perfect text editor for developing apps in catalyst perl framework?

      This isn't a poll. Please read and understand what you're replying to.

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