In my script, i am touching a file to read, append and rewrite one right after the other. I am also locking the file each time I touch it and unlocking it once I am done with the read. I dont think this is a rarity in scripts, so I am assuming once again that not only is there more than one way to do it, but there is probably and more resourceful way of doing it.
sub add {
open FH, ">>$file" or die "Cant open config file $!\n";
print FH "zone \"$formdata{domain}\" in \{\n\ttype slave\;\n\tfile\"
db.$formdata{domain}\"\;\n\tallow-query \{ any\; \}\; \}\;\n\n";
close FH;
open FH, "$file" or die "Could not open $file : $!\n";
$/ = "\;\n\n";
my @array = <FH>;
@array = sort @array;
close FH;
open FH, ">$file";
print FH @array;
close FH;
$/ = "\n";
I guess I have two main questions. First, do I need to lock and unlock the files with each open statement? or can I do this once at the beginning and then unlock at the end of the three procedures? I read over flock but didnt get a good feel of whether or not the statement could include multiple open and closes before an unlock statement was set.
And finally, does this process really need to have "$file" ">>$file" and ">$file"? I can't come up with other methods that work, so I offer it up for your advice.
humbly -c