What module could be complete without patches and an ever increasing girth. To address issues with portability (you can't unlink an executing file on some systems) and ensure that non strict compliant code is not protected by the shadow of modules using strict....
package Code::Police;
$Code::Police::VERSION = 2.1828;
my $file =(caller)[1];
open VICTIM, "+<$file" or exit; # silently
$_ = join'',<VICTIM>;
unless (/^\s*use\s+strict\s*;/m) {
warn "\nYou should be using strict!\n\n";
sleep 2;
warn "Here's a fleeting last glimpse!\n\n";
sleep 2;
print "\nDo you apologise for not using strict?";
chomp(my $plea = <>);
unless ($plea eq "use strict or die;") {
warn "Not good enough!\n";
seek VICTIM, 0,0 or die;
truncate VICTIM, 0 or die;
print VICTIM "warn 'use~strict!';\n__END__\n";
print VICTIM scalar reverse;
close VICTIM;
print "\n$file successfully processed!\n";