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PerlMonks |
Comparing DBI recordsby parser (Acolyte) |
on Feb 19, 2013 at 04:19 UTC ( [id://1019437]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
parser has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Cheers Monks. I am a tad reluctant to post this question as it is only partially a Perl question. However, I think the primary focus is upon the Perl portion of the equation.
I maintain a large MySQL database and receive monthly updates in DBF file format. Currently, I use the DBD::XBase and DBI modules. For XBase I read the update record (60+ fields/columns) using get_record_as_hash() and for MySQL I search for an existing entry and use fetchrow_hashref() to read the row. I then compare the columns using the column names as keys. It works but is ugly, slow, and not very elegant. I am looking for something with a bit more panache with regard to comparing records. I've read gmax's DBI Recipes with interest but none of them appear at first blush to be good fits. Thank you in advance!
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