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Re: how do I run an external command

by parser (Acolyte)
on Feb 19, 2013 at 16:37 UTC ( [id://1019612]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to [solved] how do I run an external command

Secret tip: If you spell the language Perl I'll bet nobody will even notice you are VERY new ;-) Welcome to the Perl universe. Warning, it is very addictive!

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Re^2: how do I run an external command
by scsijon (Initiate) on Feb 20, 2013 at 03:00 UTC

    thank you all, ESPECIALLY ree, many smilies to you in thanks

    from reading the link to the perlhowto site and puzzleing for quite a while as to why it didn't work as it says it should 'the penny dropped'.

    I had origonally been using ' (on the key with ") amongst the character sets I had tested and not ` (on the key with ~).

    Final code in case anyone else comes across the need is,

    $package_category = `./support/find_cat $package_name $package_description` ;

    And a note to parser, down here in australia, Perl is taken to mean something like, she's a beaut shella or great campsite or tasty thirst quenching drink (usually beer), definately not a programming language! Sorry!

    a final thanks to all :-)

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