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Login Form and It's Working using Catalyst perl

by manukm (Initiate)
on Apr 23, 2013 at 13:19 UTC ( [id://1030139]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

manukm has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Can anyone tell me in detail how to write code for a login page and how to verify the details using catalyst perl with the contents in the Mysql database?

Please specify me with file names that I should give as a sample to them.

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Re: Login Form and It's Working using Catalyst perl
by InfiniteSilence (Curate) on Apr 23, 2013 at 13:31 UTC

    FYI, asking questions in the manner that you have is looked down upon at Perlmonks. You should be looking for more specific information and be ready to answer questions about your specific solution.

    There are good books to get you started with Perl and Catalyst, namely Catalyst, Accelerating Perl Web Application Development by Jonathan Rockway. I personally do not use Catalyst as I cannot get it to install properly on my legacy version of OpenSUSE that I have not upgraded from yet :)

    Celebrate Intellectual Diversity

      That one linked—The Definitive Guide to Catalyst: …ISBN 1430223650—is actually not the Rockway book—Catalyst: Accelerating Perl Web Application Development, ISBN 1847190952—which was too much earlier to be a good recommendation today; a lot of the code would not even run on Catalyst today and it had a few other problems besides.

      The authors of the newer, better book are Kieren Diment, Matt Trout, and several other contributors. The book is targeted towards hackers who are already solid in Perl chops and programming idioms so it would be nearly useless to beginner.

      thanks for the help

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