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Re: Perl Error - Can't call method "session" on an undefined value

by NetWallah (Canon)
on Apr 24, 2013 at 05:34 UTC ( [id://1030280]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Error - Can't call method "session" on an undefined value

You will probably have to help yourself clear the error.

$c is being assigned a value from @_.

However, "@_" is not assigned a value.

@_ might me beaningful inside a subroutine (passed parameters), but your code does not show any "sub", so @_ is empty, and perl's complaint is reasonable, since $c does not contain any value (it is undef).

Your intentions for this code have not been expressed , and the code provided does not offer any clues, so we will not be able to assist.

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  • Comment on Re: Perl Error - Can't call method "session" on an undefined value

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Re^1: Perl Error - Can't call method "session" on an undefined value
by manukm (Initiate) on Apr 24, 2013 at 10:24 UTC
    Actually I was trying to set session using catalyst perl.

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