
The majority of CA-MRSA strains are sensitive [38,39]. SXT has [101]). SXT can be considered for use in selected MRSA cases where patients are not tolerant of other, more active, antibiotics.


############## open(file,"; $coutnline=0; $count =0; foreach(@filelist) { # print $_; $tlist= $_; if($tlist =~m/id="ch1-bid.[0-9]+/i) { #print $&."\n"; $mc_line = $&; chomp; if($mc_line =~ s/(?:\s*\b$re)+$//) { print "[$_]\n"; # print "$& test1 \n";; } else { #print "not matched \n"; push(@ovr,$_) } $coutnline++; } else { push(@overlist,$_); # print "the line is over writed \n"; $count++; } } close(file); print $coutnline."\n"; print $count; #out put needs input:

The majority of CA-MRSA strains are sensitive [38,38]. SXT has [101]). SXT can be considered for use in selected MRSA cases where patients are not tolerant of other, more active, antibiotics.
