in reply to Re: My MSSQL query fails the second time.
in thread My MSSQL query fails the second time.

Once I got ODBC working, that fixed it. Thanks!

Edited to add the DSN I'm using (dbi:ODBC:DRIVER=FreeTDS;Server=xxx;Port=1433;DATABASE=xxx) and the output of the test using that connection.

ok 1 - The object isa DBI::db ok 2 - The object isa DBI::st ok 3 - defined: '-1' ok 4 - $sth->finish ok 5 - The object isa DBI::st ok 6 - defined: '-1' ok 7 - $sth->finish 1..7

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Re^3: My MSSQL query fails the second time.
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 15, 2013 at 20:21 UTC
    I was receiving a very similar error message. In my case, it was because I had a FOREIGN KEY that was not satisfied (i.e. I was trying to add a child record for which I had no parent). Check your table structure, and be sure your record is complete.
      If you are doing a query, it can be because you are trying to search by a field that does not exist in that table.