I was browsing around Everything 2 the other day and noticed their E2 Mentoring Sign-Up and it occurred to me that this would be an excellent feature for Perl Monks. I don't know a lot about the Everything Engine, but I assume that since Everything 2 is using it, it wouldn't be to difficult to integrate.
Basically monks above a certain level, let's say Monk(5), could put themselves down as willing to mentor an X amount of newbies. They could give a short description of their specialties so the newbies could find a Monk that best suited their needs. It could be as simple as having a list of volunteers and a list of newbies in need and they could seek out each other. Maybe this would help decrease the number of simple repeated questions in SOPW.
The idea needs some fine tuning, but I think it would be good for everybody.
my $name = 'Ben Kittrell';
my $nick = 'tha' . $name . 'sta';