use strict; use warnings; $|=1; # Buffering my @filenames; opendir DIR, "." or die "Failed while trying to open current directory\nPerl says: \n$!"; @filenames = readdir DIR; # Get list of files in current directory shift @filenames; shift @filenames; # remove . and .. foreach (@filenames) { my $mtime = (stat($_))[9]; # Get mtime for file my $year = (localtime($mtime))[5] + 1900; # Get year for file my $month = (localtime($mtime))[4] +1; # Get month for file my $day = (localtime($mtime))[3]; # Get day of month for file if ($month >= 03 and $year == "2013") { if ($month == 03 and $day >=20) { print "Filename: $_\n"; } if ($month == 04 and $day <=21) { print "Filename: $_\n"; } } }