This section is only for discussing issues pertaining to the PerlMonks web site itself.
For example, asking about how things work, or offering ideas on how the site could be made better.
Over the past few days I see 20 - 40 second page load times for any page I've tried to access through For a typical page fetch (Perl Monks Discussion in this case) Firefox's Developer Tools reports:
Request Timing /?node=Perl Monks Discussion
Blocked: 8.22 s
DNS Resolution: 0 ms
Connecting: 203 ms
TLS Setup: 8.10 s
Sending: 0 ms
Waiting: 13.93 s
Receiving: 405 ms
Request Timing /?node=list replies toggle javascript
Blocked: 6.77 s
DNS Resolution: 3 ms
Connecting: 204 ms
TLS Setup: 6.56 s
Sending: 0 ms
Waiting: 394 ms
Receiving: 0 ms
Finish: 36.20s (The two fetches above are somewhat overlapped. Other f
+etches are ignored.)
When I go to Seekers of Perl Wisdom ( or, and scroll down to the bottom looking for the box into which I can initiate a new thread, I find that said box is no longer present.
Brilliant though this is, could someone please fix it.
I take it that many outages here are caused by misbehaving bots effectively causing a denial of service attack. Especially those bots ignoring no-follow settings.
Now often nodes here are linked not by ID but by name [name]
If the exact name is missing as node title, they cause a supersearch for all node titles containing the words (in any order).
These searches are very slow and I suppose expensive, since the results aren't cached.
Nodelets, which are constantly shown, contain many such links, especially behind ? marks, which until recently were missing real targets.
Now the question:
Could it be that such named-links turning into searches contribute to outages in the monastery?
I just realized that there 3 different PerlMonks URLS. I am logged in at and I was surprised when I clicked on a link that took me to that I wasn't logged in. So, my question is is there some benefit to having three different sites other than just reserving the name to make sure no one else occupies another one of the main addresses? And why aren't all of the different URLS automatically forward you to
Any plans to allow us to do the opposite and abandon content to AM?
I've never posted anything too personal or embarrassing but PM is the only site I use where I have absolutely no control or ownership of the content I generate. As long as everything written in this node is true, I'd really love a way to wash my hands of it all. Having my identity attached adds no real value to PM.
If you are logged in, you may now attempt to claim ownership of a node (root post or comment) currently owned by Anonymous Monk.
If you are directly viewing the node of interest, there will be a little link above the post saying "Claim this anonymous post" "Is this your post?".
Clicking this link just sends takes you to a form where you can send
a canned message to the gods; it does not immediately give you ownership of the node.
When the gods get your request, they will review it and either grant or decline it.
Either way, they will (probably) send you a message to that effect.
This feature is intended to mitigate the following common scenarios:
You intended to post as your logged-in user but somehow inadvertently were logged out when you posted.
You are a new user to the site and you created a user account after posting your first one or more posts, and would now like to own those posts.
You intentionally posted anonymously for some reason and now have changed your mind.
Feedback welcome!
Based on feedback, I have moved the link a bit. It's now in the same place as the 'Edit' link which appears on nodes you can edit.
Note that putting it into a nodelet would be tricky, and surely more effort than it would be worth, at least at this time.
Based on feedback, I have reimplemented the link to take you to Message Outbox, with the recipient and message pre-loaded appropriately.
You can then click "Deliver" to complete the request.
Does PerlMonks offer a little widget people can put on their own website that shows latest Perl news or announcements (or most recent questions posted here) and maybe has a small box where people can type in their email to sign up to get the Perl newsletter in one easy step? I've seen this in other websites that are divided into smaller boxes. One small box contains an ad. Another small box contains a table of contents. Another box might hold some links to related sites. Another small box might hold a tiny weather forecast or stock quote and so forth. Does PerlMonks offer any such thing that people can put on their site?
It might be nice to have a [vote] link to the right of each message where [reply], [/msg], etc are; there is plenty of space for it. That way you never have to scroll to the bottom to vote.
You mention security. Are passwords still stored as plaintext? Is security by obscurity really considered a valuable defence against ze baddies here?
As a generality, I think that separating code and data is a good thing, and makes for better design. If the system for this site requires changing to achieve that, then it should be done. I am willing to put effort into that myself. I never got going with the "add markdown as an option", and that is largely due to there not being a dev environment possible.
Hello all, I was trying to restore access to my old account here, and no emails were received to I created a new account with address, and also received no confirmation message. Then I created an account using and received email there but it went to spam with a complaint about SPF records. Here are some headers of that email message:
Received: from ( [])
by (mxf
+ront/Yandex) with ESMTPS id 2VgJ7ADH6Sw0-9Wqm3IlP;
Sat, 07 Dec 2024 13:31:04 +0300
X-Yandex-Fwd: 1
Authentication-Results:; spf=softfail ( transitioning domain of does not des
+ignate as permitted sender, rule=[~all]) smtp.mail=nore
X-Yandex-Spam: 4
I suppose we'd want to ditch the Everything Engine and build something using modern software and processes,
including git, CI/CD, and so on.
It would take quite a bit of planning and effort to create a platform with all the features and
meta-features of PerlMonks that we know and love, but it would be so worth it.
The site was not responding for several times today. For a short period of time, I was getting the pages back, but they were littered with red error codes. Here are some of them: