perlvroom has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Ok, the following script does what i need, but i was hoping someone could school me on how to do this more effeciently:
use XML::Twig; my $t= XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers => { 'settings' => \&file, } ) ->parsefile( 'sample.xml'); sub file{ my($t, $settings)=@_; foreach($settings->att('key')){ if($settings->att('key') eq 'a'){ $a = $settings->att('value'); } if($settings->att('key') eq 'b'){ $b = $settings->att('value'); } } }
XML snippet:
<settings key="a" value="1"/>
<settings key="b" value="2"/>
The goal is to declare the "key" attribute as a variable with it's value equal to the "value" attribute in the same element, for all "settings" elements.