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Re: PPM: Cant find any packages that provides MinGW ?! (verbosity debugging tracing logging)

by Anonymous Monk
on Sep 09, 2013 at 21:19 UTC ( [id://1053097]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to PPM: Cant find any packages that provides MinGW ?!

Turn on verbosity, turn on debugging, turn on logging, turn on tracing, increase debugging/logging/verbosity/tracing level

check your ppm configuration, check your list of repositories

and figure it out :)

turn on javascript and download direct from

Or get it from somewhere in here GCC (mingw-w64) for Perl # (a mirror)
How to install CPAN modules into ActivePerl, GCC (mingw-w64) for Perl # (a mirror)
Installing a make utility and C compiler on 64-bit Windows
Re: tool for managing perl in win32 (PATH/PERLLIB/INSTALL_BASE)

Test new modules in a sandbox before installing them using INSTALL_BASE or cpanm -L...

Test new versions of perl in a sandbox before installing them :) you can install many different portable perl distributions like strawberry/citrusperl or the .zip download of activestate (provide you edit install.bat), and most good ones won't diddle your registry to add themselves to path or setupassociations if you ask :)
More notes on building below , all perlbrew/perlall really do is save you some typing
Re: how ship perl in my application?
Re: if Digest::SHA1 loaded Can't load LibXML/LibXML.dll Invalid access to memory location
MinGW/MSYS development environment - Setting up the base system
How to install CPAN modules into ActivePerl GCC (mingw-w64) for Perl # (a mirror)
Installing a make utility and C compiler on 64-bit Windows
Re: openssh build with Strawberry Perl provided gcc
Dmake configuration for building Perl with MinGW on win32.
Compiling C/C++ based Modules under ActiveState using MinGW
Re^2: Compiling modules for win32 ActivePerl
RFC: Setting up a minGW compiling envronment for Perl 5.10
The MinGW and dmake cpan starts to install
Re: Installing iodbc 0.1 via CPAN (or other means) on Mac OS 10.6
Building Math-GSL-0.07 on Win32 (MinGW compiler)
Re^3: Active Perl 5.16 email code problem"
Re: install activestate 5.10 over 5.8.9 (no, zip)
cpanm -L... PERLLIB ... Re: CPAN won't install into personal directory; probably an o conf problem
Re: cpanm --sudo installs to /root/perl5 instead of /usr

  • Comment on Re: PPM: Cant find any packages that provides MinGW ?! (verbosity debugging tracing logging)

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Re^2: PPM: Cant find any packages that provides MinGW ?! (verbosity debugging tracing logging)
by AlexTape (Monk) on Sep 10, 2013 at 08:06 UTC
    awesome! thank you! :)
    $perlig =~ s/pec/cep/g if 'errors expected';

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