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Install DBD-mysql

by Milti (Beadle)
on Sep 13, 2013 at 00:12 UTC ( [id://1053816]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Milti has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a dedicated server, Microsoft Server2003, with PERL 5 already down loaded, installed and operational for several years. I now have MySQL installed and operational. Wanting to use PERL cgi's to communicate with my databases I need to install DBD-MySQL.

I've attempted to utilize run, cmd, ppm and the PPM starts and shows modules available and installed. I have selected DBM-MySQL for installation and followed instructions for that to happen but I get an error message = "Error 401, Authorization Required". Authorization for what? I am logged into the server as administrator. What authorization is required?

Any help that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: Install DBD-mysql
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 13, 2013 at 03:44 UTC

    with PERL 5 already down loaded, installed and operational for several years

    So you got old activeperl? Yup, must be older than 5.14 :)

    I've attempted to utilize run, cmd, ppm and the PPM starts and shows modules available and installed. I have selected DBM-MySQL for installation and followed instructions for that to happen but I get an error message = "Error 401, Authorization Required". Authorization for what? I am logged into the server as administrator. What authorization is required?

    ActiveState wants cash/money/contract for authorization for to download old stuff

    See for yourself Builds marked with a lock icon are only available via PPM to users with a current ActivePerl Business Edition subscription.

    I imagine the never versions of ppm which come with never versions of ActivePerl have better error messages

Re: Install DBD-mysql
by Marshall (Canon) on Sep 13, 2013 at 03:39 UTC
    The Perl DBD layer will know how to commumicate with the MySQL DB application.

    You have to provide a "user name" and a "password" for that user account.

    Cheers, Marshall

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