in reply to DBI::SQLite slowness

You must perform SQLite operations in a transaction, because if you do not, it will re-read and re-verify e-v-e-r-y I/O operation, by design.

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Re^2: DBI::SQLite slowness
by Endless (Beadle) on Sep 20, 2013 at 17:59 UTC
    If I simply have "$dbh->commit" following the For loop, is that effectively the same as explicitly using transactions?
      If I simply have "$dbh->commit" following the For loop, is that effectively the same as explicitly using transactions?

      No; BEGIN WORK (or BEGIN TRANSACTION or just plain BEGIN) starts a transaction in SQL. Then (normally after 1 or more insert/delete/update's) COMMIT commits the transaction (or, when an error occurs, ROLLBACK rolls the transaction back to the state just before the BEGIN).

      See DBI's begin_work

      (I don't use SQLite; in the above I am assuming SQLite does this the same way that other (RDBMS) databases do)