I am not sufficiently familiar with the part about modifying contents on the webpage; sounds like Perl generating JavaScript to me.
Now, the DBI stuff, I can give you a working example:
Using SQLite to demonstrate:
+Lite\sqlite3.exe" test.db
SQLite version 3.3.5
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> CREATE TABLE FOO ( SEQNUM integer primary key, BAR character(3
+0) );
sqlite> insert into FOO values (1, 'George');
sqlite> insert into FOO values (2, 'Mike');
sqlite> .mode col
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> select * from FOO;
---------- ----------
1 George
2 Mike
sqlite> .exit
And here's how you read the data into an array of hashes, which won't display on the output unless you make it happen:
C:\Steve\Dev\PerlMonks\P-2013-09-21@0144-DBI-Select-Example>perl dbi-s
ROW: SEQNUM = '1' BAR = 'George'
ROW: SEQNUM = '2' BAR = 'Mike'
So all you have to do is not do the display loop