rumos2 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Maybe easy, maybe not, but:

my $x=5; $x=$x + ++$x + $x++; warn $x; #get 18.

How I undestand that:
1)$x - return's copy of object $x and then return it's value in numeric context.
2)++$x - make increment, but return object $x, this mean that in future if we change it's value also been changed.
3)$x++ - make increment, but return's not icremented copy of object $x.
points 2 and 3 I've check im many examples.
I'm not sure about point 1, because by logic - it must place here original $x, so value must be calculated as 20 (7+7+6)

So this not working code, I know that this is incorrect and can't be submited in production code. It's for my students for good undestanding of this situation.

Will be happy for any answers with proof-links or for answers from greatest monks )