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Re^2: Testing test function

by sedusedan (Pilgrim)
on Sep 26, 2013 at 11:14 UTC ( [id://1055817]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Testing test function
in thread Testing test function

Are you saying that I need to mock Test::More's ok()? I also use subtest(), is_deeply(), is(), like() BTW, should I mock those too? Why? I'd rather execute the test in a subprocess and parse the TAP instead.

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Re^3: Testing test function
by DrHyde (Prior) on Sep 30, 2013 at 12:42 UTC
    You could do that, but beware that the TAP standard is slowly evolving. You need to make sure that you can cope when new features are added to it. You may also need to cope with code that doesn't actually use Test::More and just outputs something vaguely TAP-ish. Lots of old code's test suites contain things like this:
    print 'not ' unless($foo == 42); print 'ok '.$test++."\n";
    instead of
    ok($foo == 42);

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