This creates a very detailed web of your CD collection based on CDDB info. Why you would want to do this is beyond me, but you can. Enjoy, I suppose.
I wrote this a year or two back when there was no easy method of getting CD's into a web in bulk with no typing and for free. The best that I had found was Clark Tisdale's Audiofile Internet companion, which allowed for bulk lookups against the CDDB, which was a start. You pop each disk into the CD drive, does a bulk lookup when you tell it to, and outputs a flat file of the tracks, etc.
Problem was, you had to buy a database to decode the flatfile, and for $29, it couldn't create a web database, and there was no way to link up the mp3's on your drive to the resulting database, anyway. So, I built this. Need breeds.
I included 2 versions: I use the first locally to link up the MP3's and create a little local web. It deletes all of the old html pages on each run and replaces them (in case you delete or add stuff in the flat file).
The second version is for uploading to the web. The differences are:
- it doesn't link to the MP3's on your drive,
- and it only adds files if they do not already exist (to shorten time spent FTPing).
To use this:
- Download AIC from Spinfee. It's free.
- Change these 3 variables:
my $dbin='the audiofile internet companion output file';
my $dboutdir='the dir to drop the web into';
my $mp3dir='the loc of your mp3 dir';
- Add a 'style.css file to the web directory
Version 1: With MP3 Linking
#creates web pages from AIC
use strict;
my $header="<HTML>\n".'<link REL="stylesheet" HREF="style.css" TYPE="t
+ext/css"><BODY bgcolor="#000033" text="#ffffcc" link="#99ccff" vlink=
+"#99ccff" font-face:"Arial">'."\n";
my $footer="\n<BR><A HREF=TOC.htm>Back to TOC</a>\n\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\
my $dbin='the audiofile internet companion output file';
my $dboutdir='the dir to drop the web into';
my $mp3dir='the loc of your mp3 dir';
my @mp3files;
my %TOC;
my $key;
use File::Find;
print "Deleting old .htm files...\n";
unlink <$dboutdir/*.htm>;
print "Storing local MP3's...\n";
find(\&wanted, $mp3dir);
sub wanted {
push @mp3files, "$File::Find::dir/$_\n" if /.mp3/i;
open IN, "<$dbin" or die "Cannot open $dbin :$!";
print "Creating album files...\n";
my @details=split /"/;
my @codearray=split /\/, $details[1];
my $code=$codearray[1];
my $totaltime=$codearray[$#codearray];
my $minutes=int ($totaltime/60);
my $seconds = $totaltime-($minutes*60)-2;
my @timesarray=split /\/, $details[3];
my $unknown1=$details[4];
my $title=$details[5];
my $artist=$details[7];
my $artist2=$artist;
if ($artist=~/^the /i){
$artist2=~s/^The //i;
$artist2="$artist2, The";
my $filename=lc($artist2.$title.".htm");
$filename=~s/[\?\\\/:\*"'<>\| ]//g;
my @songsarray=split /\/, $details[9];
my $songlink="<a href\=$filename>$title</a>";
my $genre=$details[11];
my $MP3="";
# Write the output HTML file
open OUT, ">$dboutdir/$filename" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/$fi
+lename for write :$!";
print OUT "$header<center>";
print OUT "<p><span class=artist>$artist</span><br><span class=alb
print OUT "<TABLE width\=400px cellspacing\=0 cellpadding\=0 borde
#write out the song titles
for (0..$#songsarray) {
my @mp3match="";
my @mp3match1 = grep /\Q$songsarray[$_]\E/i, @mp3files;
my @mp3match = grep /$artist/i,@mp3match1;
print OUT "<TR>\n<TD class=one>",$_+1,".</TD>\n";
print OUT "<td class=one>";
if (@mp3match){
print OUT "<a href=\"$mp3match[0]\">$songsarray[
my $MP3=' (mp3)';
print OUT "$songsarray[$_]";
print OUT "</TD>\n";
print OUT "<td class=one>$timesarray[$_]</TD></TR>\n";
print OUT "<TR><td class=one> </TD><td class=one> </TD><td class=o
printf OUT ("<TR><td class=one> </TD><td class=one> </TD><td class
print OUT "</TABLE>\n";
print OUT "$footer";
close OUT;
$TOC{$filename}="$artist2 $songlink $MP3";#add Genre Here
close IN;
print "Writing Table of contents file...\n";
open TOCFILE, ">$dboutdir/TOC.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/TOC.h
+tm for write :$!";
print TOCFILE "$header\n";
print TOCFILE "<p align=center><a href=0to9.htm>0to9</a> ";
print TOCFILE "<a href=$_.htm>$_</a> ";
print TOCFILE "<a href=all.htm>All</a>";
print TOCFILE "<p align=center>".(keys %TOC)." Albums</p>";
print TOCFILE "<p align=center>Generated via Perl script on<BR>".scala
+r localtime()."</p>";
close TOCFILE;
print "Printing Alphabetical Sort...\n";
for ('a'..'z'){
open LETTERFILE, ">$dboutdir/$_.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir
+/$_.htm for write :$!";
print LETTERFILE "$header";
print LETTERFILE "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>$_</font><
foreach $key (sort keys %TOC){
print LETTERFILE "$TOC{$key}<BR>\n";
print LETTERFILE "$footer";
open ALLFILE, ">$dboutdir/all.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/all.h
+tm for write :$!";
open NUMFILE, ">$dboutdir/0to9.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/0to9
+.htm for write :$!";
print ALLFILE $header;
print NUMFILE $header;
print ALLFILE "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>All</font></stron
print NUMFILE "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>0to9</font></stro
foreach $key (sort keys %TOC){
if ($key=~/^\d/){
print NUMFILE "$TOC{$key}<BR>\n";
print ALLFILE "$TOC{$key}<BR>\n";
print ALLFILE "$footer";
print NUMFILE "$footer";
close ALLFILE;
close NUMFILE;
#Write the MP3 listing page
@mp3files=sort @mp3files;
open OUT6, ">$dboutdir/mp3list.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/mp3l
+ist.htm for write :$!";
print OUT6 "$header";
print OUT6 "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>MP3 Listing ($#mp3fi
+les files)</font></strong></p>\n";
foreach (@mp3files){
print OUT6 "<a href=\"$_\">$_</a><br>\n";
print OUT6 "$footer";
close OUT6;
Version 2: No MP3 Linking
For those of you outputting to the web who don't want to recreate all of the files, this version will append new files and skip the whole MP3 process:
#creates web pages from AIC
use strict;
my $header="<HTML>\n".'<link REL="stylesheet" HREF="style.css" TYPE="t
+ext/css"><BODY bgcolor="#000033" text="#ffffcc" link="#99ccff" vlink=
+"#99ccff" font-face:"Arial">'."\n";
my $footer="\n<BR><A HREF=TOC.htm>Back to TOC</a>\n\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\
my $dbin='the audiofile internet companion output file';
my $dboutdir='the dir to drop the web into';
my %TOC;
my $key;
open IN, "<$dbin" or die "Cannot open $dbin :$!";
print "Creating album files...\n";
my @details=split /"/;
my @codearray=split /\/, $details[1];
my $code=$codearray[1];
my $totaltime=$codearray[$#codearray];
my $minutes=int ($totaltime/60);
my $seconds = $totaltime-($minutes*60)-2;
my @timesarray=split /\/, $details[3];
my $unknown1=$details[4];
my $title=$details[5];
my $artist=$details[7];
my $artist2=$artist;
if ($artist=~/^the /i){
$artist2=~s/^The //i;
$artist2="$artist2, The";
my $filename=lc($artist2.$title.".htm");
$filename=~s/[\?\\\/:\*"'<>\| ]//g;
my @songsarray=split /\/, $details[9];
my $songlink="<a href\=$filename>$title</a>";
my $genre=$details[11];
# Write the output HTML file
if (!-e "$dboutdir/$filename"){
open OUT, ">$dboutdir/$filename" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir
+/$filename for write :$!";
print OUT "$header<center>";
print OUT "<p><span class=artist>$artist</span><br><span class
print OUT "<TABLE width\=400px cellspacing\=0 cellpadding\=0 b
#write out the song titles
for (0..$#songsarray) {
print OUT "<TR>\n<TD class=one>",$_+1,".</TD>\n";
print OUT "<td class=one>$songsarray[$_]</TD>\n";
print OUT "<td class=one>$timesarray[$_]</TD></TR>\n";
print OUT "<TR><td class=one> </TD><td class=one> </TD><td cla
printf OUT ("<TR><td class=one> </TD><td class=one> </TD><td c
print OUT "</TABLE>\n";
print OUT "$footer";
close OUT;
$TOC{$filename}="$artist2 $songlink";#add Genre Here
close IN;
print "Writing Table of contents file...\n";
open TOCFILE, ">$dboutdir/TOC.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/TOC.h
+tm for write :$!";
print TOCFILE "$header\n";
print TOCFILE "<p align=center><a href=0to9.htm>0to9</a> ";
print TOCFILE "<a href=$_.htm>$_</a> ";
print TOCFILE "<a href=all.htm>All</a>";
print TOCFILE "<p align=center>".(keys %TOC)." Albums</p>";
print TOCFILE "<p align=center>Generated via Perl script on<BR>".scala
+r localtime()."</p>";
close TOCFILE;
print "Printing Alphabetical Sort...\n";
for ('a'..'z'){
open LETTERFILE, ">$dboutdir/$_.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir
+/$_.htm for write :$!";
print LETTERFILE "$header";
print LETTERFILE "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>$_</font><
foreach $key (sort keys %TOC){
print LETTERFILE "$TOC{$key}<BR>\n";
print LETTERFILE "$footer";
open ALLFILE, ">$dboutdir/all.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/all.h
+tm for write :$!";
open NUMFILE, ">$dboutdir/0to9.htm" or die "Cannot open $dboutdir/0to9
+.htm for write :$!";
print ALLFILE $header;
print NUMFILE $header;
print ALLFILE "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>All</font></stron
print NUMFILE "<p><strong><font size=6 color=#999966>0to9</font></stro
foreach $key (sort keys %TOC){
if ($key=~/^\d/){
print NUMFILE "$TOC{$key}<BR>\n";
print ALLFILE "$TOC{$key}<BR>\n";
print ALLFILE "$footer";
print NUMFILE "$footer";
close ALLFILE;
close NUMFILE;
...and style.css should be in the same dir:
A {font-size:"10pt";font-family: Verdana;color:#00aaff;text-decoration: none;}
A:hover {font-size:"10pt";font-family: Verdana;color:#00aaff;text-decoration: underline;}
td {vertical-align:top;height:1px;font:"Arial"} {font-family:arial;font-size:"10pt";}
.album {font-size:"12pt";color:#999966;font-family:helvetica;}
.artist {font-size:"24pt";color:#800000;font-family:"Die Nasty";}