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Re: Programming Brain-Cramp

by SparkeyG (Curate)
on Aug 20, 2001 at 08:42 UTC ( [id://106132]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Programming Brain-Cramp

How's this for you?
Late night programming back at University, I got the project to compile and respond properly to test data.

Success thought I. Since the prof took of points for style of code, I figured I would clean up the code... After cleaning up the code, removing debug print statements, renaming varibles from c1 to innerLoopCounter, and the like, the code compiled.
I turned in the project, took the test, and as I was leaving the TA took me aside and asked why I had turned in a non-working project. I was confused, it worked last night...
Ended up scouring 2.5kloc for wtf I did wrong when I tried to 'clean up' the code. Ended up I had renamed the same var in two different places. *DOH!!!!*
The lesson for the day? -- Don't fix, what ain't broken.


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Re: Re: Programming Brain-Cramp
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 21, 2001 at 05:27 UTC
    I'd say that the lesson that day was "Use real var names during development"

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