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Re^2: Dist::Zilla + plugins version information in generated distribution

by sedusedan (Pilgrim)
on Nov 12, 2013 at 10:12 UTC ( [id://1062166]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Dist::Zilla + plugins version information in generated distribution
in thread Dist::Zilla + plugins version information in generated distribution

Thanks, Haarg.

I am currently not producing META.* for my non-CPAN distributions, last time I checked there were some problems like invalid license. I should probably resolve those issues so I can return producing distmeta files for those dists.

Also I'd like to dump Pod::Weaver plugins information. Perhaps I'll add a plugin for that.

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Re^3: Dist::Zilla + plugins version information in generated distribution
by sedusedan (Pilgrim) on Nov 12, 2013 at 11:35 UTC

    I have now back on producing META.{json,yml} for non-CPAN dists, and I have just uploaded Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaConfig::PodWeaver to dump Pod::Weaver config under its own config. Now waiting for someone to suggest a more proper way (like patching or injecting or convincing Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver to dump the same configuration).

      Releasing a new weird aftermarket plugin seems like a weird thing to do instead of just a patch against Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Pod::Weaver. I have added plugin config dumping to v4.002.
        Thanks for this. It was just a quick hack to get things working. I did plan to send a patch. Purging the module on PAUSE...

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