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Questions about Tk::ACH

by capfan (Sexton)
on Nov 27, 2013 at 19:38 UTC ( [id://1064691]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

capfan has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear all!

I discovered the module Tk::FileEntry. As far as I can see, it is part of Tk::ACH (

Does this module have to live in this namespace forever?

Usually, when I create modules, I run some h2xs command and get a specific directory structure. There, I create my module, pack it and can upload it to CPAN.

I did this for Tk::FileEntry to make it work: h2xs -b 5.14.3 -XA -n Tk::FileEntry

While looking for a way to contribute this, I saw that the module looks very different from what I was expecting. So, do I have to adjust my patch to this kind of directory structure of Tk::ACH (which would mean, that I won't provide a patch because I don't like it)?

Best regards,

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Questions about Tk::ACH distribution
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 27, 2013 at 23:34 UTC

    Does this module have to live in this namespace forever?

    A module is a namespace associated with a file, and no, it dosn't have to live in the Tk-ACH distribution, but it currently does

    I did this for Tk::FileEntry to make it work

    Well, you didn't need to do that, it already works, changing the directory structure isnt needed

    So, do I have to adjust my patch to this kind of directory structure of Tk::ACH (which would mean, that I won't provide a patch because I don't like it)?

    What does your patch do?

    Why don't you start with

    ptar -Czxvf Tk-ACH-0.04.tar.gz rename Tk-ACH-0.04 Tk-ACH-0.04-old ptar -Czxvf Tk-ACH-0.04.tar.gz rename Tk-ACH-0.04 Tk-ACH-0.04-new

    Then edit Tk-ACH-0.04-new to fix whatever you're fixing,

    then run diff -ruN Tk-ACH-0.04-old Tk-ACH-0.04-new > Tk-ACH-0.04-new.patch and send that to the maintainer

    Usually developers don't like to change directory layout that already works, and has worked since 1998 (and before), just to accept a fix for some bug not related to directory layout


      Thank you for the answer. It's good to hear another opinion regarding the directory structure.

      It look that I mixed things up. Tk::FileEntry does work. But it doesn't look good and it has a not-so-good documentation. That's what I improved: adding POD and switching to getOpenFile for file selection. And I made the bindings work that were commented in the test file.

      I found Tk-ACH on github (, so I created a pull request. I hope it is usable, it's my first one.

      Testing was tricky though. prove -l didn't work because there was no lib folder with expected directory structure. This is what I actually used instead of prove:

      dmake TEST_FILES=t/fileentry.t TEST_VERBOSE=1 test


        ...gitpan ...

        gitpan was built by automatic software years ago (cpan on github), it isn't updated anymore, and IIRC no mail gets forwarded to the original cpan authors, so there is nobody watching for your pull request

        OTOH, the current Tk-ACH maintainer YEWENBIN has github account of his own (wenbinye) and is active on there ... so he'd be the person to contact

        and switching to getOpenFile for file selection.

        That seems very odd, as it seems to destroy the purpose behind the module , which is to avoid getOpenFile by implementing a different look/feel...

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