Deny, deflect, defer. Sorry ralph, your kool-aid mustache is showing. Maybe this is the year Perl-6 decides if for loops are really eager or lazy. Maybe this is the year someone finishes the module synopsis. Maybe this is the year Patrick finishes the list redesign. Maybe this is the year Larry finally chooses names for synchronization primitives. Maybe this is the year you admin Necza has finally shuffled off into Pugs-like irrelevance.
Deny, deflect, defer.
It's not unkind to point out untruths, ralph. Surely even you know that.
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I was looking over the documentation you linked to, and came across "Parcel Objects":
The comma operator (infix:<,>) creates Parcel objects. These should not be confused with lists; a Parcel represents a raw syntactic sequence of elements. A Parcel is immutable, although the elements of a Parcel may be either mutable or immutable.
The name "Parcel" is derived from the phrase "parenthesis cell", since many Parcel objects appear inside of parentheses. However, except for the empty parcel, it's the comma operator that creates Parcel objects.
() # empty Parcel
(1) # an Int
(1,2) # a Parcel with two Ints
(1,) # a Parcel with one Int
A Parcel is also Positional, and uses flattening context for list operations such as .[] and .elems. See "Flattening contexts" below. For raw access to the arguments without flattening, you may use .arg($n) instead of .[$n], and .args instead of .elems.
This looks confusing to me: Isn't there a concern that there appear to be two special cases* leading to different results here? It seems to me that having (1) evaluate to an integer and the others evaluate to a parcel could be problematic. What's the thought behind that?
The second oddity in that document is in the section "The .infinite method". The table looks wrong:
.infinite Meaning
True iteration is known to be infinite
False iteration is known to be finite
Mu finiteness isn't currently known
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that The Daily WTF? clearly established that the third state of a boolean value is FILE_NOT_FOUND.</ribbing>
* The second special case being empty parenthesis evaluating to a parcel.
When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb. | [reply] |