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Re: Perl Recommended Reads

by MidLifeXis (Monsignor)
on Jan 31, 2014 at 13:48 UTC ( [id://1072847]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Recommended Reads

There are also outstanding concept books that should be on your reading list: the Stevens networking series, a classic algorithms book, the Knuth Art of Computer Programming series to name a few.


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Re^2: Perl Recommended Reads
by stryda42 (Novice) on Jan 31, 2014 at 16:58 UTC
    I agree.

    Thank you MidLifeXis

      I didn't see it mentioned -- so here is my choice. By far the book I use most is O'Reilly's "Programming Perl". "Learning Perl" with lots of bookmarks and dirty pages is second.

      On a related note, I'm looking for a book on graphics. A few years ago, I bought "Mastering Perl/Tk" and got a few useful things working. But then Tkx came out and I'm lost again. I have studied the much-touted TkDocs tutorial, but it leaves too many holes for me. ActiveState and others list all of the functions and their options, but I can't bridge the gaps. I saw and bought another book recently, O'Reilly's "Perl Graphics Programming", but was disappointed that it doesn't even mention either Tk or Tkx. What else is out there that am I missing?

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