#!/perl use strict; use warnings; use Win32::EventLog; use DateTime; use Net::Syslog; my @servers = ( "MAN-EVENTLOG-01" ); my @logs = ( "Setup", # appears to work but actually reads from "Application" "System", # works as expected "Security", # works as expected for "administrator", otherwise returns 0 events "Application", # works as extected "Forwarded Events" # appears to work but actually reads from "Application" ); my %priority = ( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE => 'error', EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE => 'warning', EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE => 'notice', EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS => 'debug', EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE => 'informational' ); my %DEBUG = ( loop => 0, event => 0, rule => 0, syslog => 0, history => 1, ); my %last = (); my $HISTORY_FNAME = 'syslog-events.dat'; load_history(); my $need_save = 0; my %rules = (); # EventID processing rules go here as they are loaded while (1) { my $syslog = Net::Syslog->new( SyslogHost => '' ); foreach my $server (sort @servers) { foreach my $log (@logs) { my $handle = Win32::EventLog->new($log, $server) or die; if ($handle) { my $recs; print "$server $log Get number of events...\n" if $DEBUG{loop}; $handle->GetNumber($recs); next unless $recs; my $base; print "$server $log Get oldest event...\n" if $DEBUG{loop}; $handle->GetOldest($base); print "$server $log has $recs events, first one is $base\n" if $DEBUG{loop}; my $index = 0; if ($last{$server}->{$log} && $last{$server}->{$log} >= $base) { my $skip = 1 + $last{$server}->{$log} - $base; $index = $skip; print "$server $log Skipping $skip already seen\n" if $DEBUG{loop}; } while ($index < $recs) { my $hashref; my $discard = 0; # As demonstrated by Win32::EventLog docs, read one event by record number if ($handle->Read(EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ|EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ, $base+$index, $hashref)) { $hashref->{'_EventID'} = $hashref->{'EventID'} & 0x0000ffff; # Seems to solve the "-2xxxxxxxxx" event IDs my ($timestamp) = unixtime_to_timestamp($hashref->{'TimeGenerated'}); $hashref->{'_DateTime'} = "$timestamp"; Win32::EventLog::GetMessageText($hashref); # This is where the Registry & DLL nightmare takes place if ($DEBUG{event}) { # Dump the event $hashref for debugging foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hashref}) { print "\t$key: $hashref->{$key}\n"; } } # Trim the host name, we're all friends here my ($host) = split(/\./, $hashref->{'Computer'}, 2); # Reduce the Message to a single line by replacing CR/LF with spaces, then eliminate double spaces my $message = $hashref->{'Message'} || ''; $message =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g; $message =~ s/\s+/ /g; my $original = length($message); # Check for matching rule for this EventID # A rule consists of a short perl script that aims to reduce the size of $message # A rule may also set $discard to a true value, meaning 'do not syslog this event' # A rule may also wipe your hard disk or install SilverLight so be careful # Example filename: event-7001.pl # We keep track of "modified" timestamp to reload changed rules on the fly my $rule = 'event-'.$hashref->{'_EventID'}.".pl"; if ($rules{$rule} || -e $rule) { # A rule exists for this EventID, load if necessary print "A rule exists for this event ID: $rule modified ".(-M $rule)."\n" if $DEBUG{rule}; print "Cached version modified ".$rules{$rule}->{'modified'}."\n" if $rules{$rule}->{'modified'} && $DEBUG{rule}; if (!defined $rules{$rule}->{'modified'} || -M $rule < $rules{$rule}->{'modified'}) { # Rule is not cached or it has been modified print "Loading rule $rule\n" if $DEBUG{rule}; $rules{$rule}->{'code'} = ''; open(my $fh, $rule) || die "Error reading $rule: $!"; while (my $line = <$fh>) { $rules{$rule}->{'code'} .= $line; } close $fh; $rules{$rule}->{'modified'} = -M $rule; } # Now execute the rule using eval() print "Executing $rule:\n" if $DEBUG{rule}; eval $rules{$rule}->{'code'}; warn $@ if $@; # Perhaps syslog this? # If the rule set $discard to a true value then throw this message away next if $discard; } else { print "No rule exists for this event ID: $rule\n" if $DEBUG{rule}; } # Time to assemble the actual syslog message and send it my $syslog_msg = "$message Log=".$log." EventID=".$hashref->{'_EventID'}." EventType=".$hashref->{'EventType'}." Source=".$hashref->{'Source'}."\n"; if (length($message) < $original) { $syslog_msg .= " [f~".($original-length($message)."]"); # Indicate that we tampered with this message } print $syslog_msg if $DEBUG{syslog}; # TODO: Set meaningful facility values somehow. Use the default 'local5' for now. my $fac = 'local5'; my $pri = $priority{$hashref->{'EventType'}}; $syslog->send("$syslog_msg", Timestamp => $timestamp, Host => $host, rfc3164 => 1, Facility => $fac, Priority => $pri ); # We logged an event, make a note of it for later and remember we have to save that info $last{$server}->{$log} = $base+$index; $need_save = 1; } else { warn "Could not read event ".($index+$base)." from $server log $log"; } $index++; } } else { warn "Error collecting $log log from $server"; } } } # We finished a pass. Save information if needed, then take a (short) break save_history() if $need_save; $need_save = 0; sleep 1; } sub unixtime_to_timestamp { my $unixtime = shift; my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $unixtime ); $dt->set_time_zone( 'local' ); # $unixtime from Win32::EventLog appears to be in localtime, not UTC. return sprintf("%s %2d %s", $dt->month_abbr(), $dt->day(), $dt->hms()); } sub load_history { print "Loading history to $HISTORY_FNAME\n" if $DEBUG{history}; open(my $fh, $HISTORY_FNAME) || warn "Error reading $HISTORY_FNAME: $!"; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; # Line should contain "SERVERNAME/LOGNAME key=value [key2=value3] .. [keyN=valueN]" if ($line =~ /^(.+?)\/(.+?) (([a-z]+\=[a-z0-9]+\s*)+)/i) { my ($server, $log, $pairs) = ($1, $2, $3); print "server=$server, log=$log, pairs: $pairs\n" if $DEBUG{history}; foreach my $pair (split(/\s/, $pairs)) { my ($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $pair, 2); # For now, the only supported key name is "last" but format is extensible if ($key eq 'last') { $last{$server}->{$log} = $value; } } } else { print "Failed to parse '$line'\n" if $DEBUG{history}; } } close $fh; } sub save_history { print "Saving history to $HISTORY_FNAME\n" if $DEBUG{history}; my $tempname = $HISTORY_FNAME . '.temp'; open(my $fh, '>', $tempname) || warn "Error writing $tempname: $!"; foreach my $server (sort keys %last) { foreach my $log (sort keys %{$last{$server}}) { print $fh "$server/$log last=".$last{$server}->{$log}."\n"; } } close $fh; rename($tempname, $HISTORY_FNAME); } END { save_history() if $need_save; }