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Re: Linux message log webifier

by wog (Curate)
on Aug 31, 2001 at 09:00 UTC ( [id://109299]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Linux message log webifier

... since you asked for comments .... Two key issues here:

  • Please use warnings and strict.
  • Always check the return value of system calls like open, so you don't get very odd things happening when/if they fail, e.g.:
    open (TEMPOUT,">$outfile") or die "opening $outfile: $!\n";

Less importantly:

  • You could improve much of your HTML outputing code with heredocs:
    print TEMPOUT <<"END"; <html><body> ... END
  • You may wish to look at the $. line-counting variable documented in perlvar as an alternative to your counter variable.
  • You output malformed HTML. Please close all tags,use DOCTYPE at the beginning of your document, and quote attribute names not containing only alphanumeric characters, etc.

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Re: Re: Linux message log webifier
by hans_moleman (Beadle) on Aug 31, 2001 at 15:34 UTC

    thanks for your comments!

    it is appreciated...

    Actually, I found the script was difficult to debug because of file issues, so your point about evaluating system calls is especially well taken. ;)

Re: Re: Linux message log webifier
by hans_moleman (Beadle) on Aug 31, 2001 at 17:14 UTC

    You'll note I have implemented most of your suggestions. Sure looks a lot cleaner ouputing the HTML that way... Thanks again.

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