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Re: Re: (Perl)Monks, Zen, Caffeine and Hacker Habits

by Sigmund (Pilgrim)
on Aug 31, 2001 at 12:28 UTC ( [id://109326]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: (Sigmund)Monks, Zen, Caffeine and Hacker Habits
in thread (Perl)Monks, Zen, Caffeine and Hacker Habits

I find this confusing since Zen is the strain of Buddhism developed in Japan. Green Tea, a.k.a. Cha or Sen Cha (possibly derived from your reference, i.e. Zen-Cha) DOES NOT HAVE CAFFEINE IN IT.

well, first of all, thanks for your reply, so long and thougthful, it points out some ideas i share. but i have to say something about some others...
The tone i intended in posing those questions was totallyrelaxed, and maybe that "dare" was too strong. by the way, I'm italian and my use of english language is not perfect...
in second instance, i'd like to correct a couple of your statements:
Zen is not Japanese!!! it was born in India as something between traditional Mahayana Buddhism and Meditation: dhyana (meaning meditation) then passed in China known as "Ch'an" and "Zen" is just a transliteration of the chinese word made by the Japanese when they finally discovered it!!! This is to be accurate.
Then, in Tea, it is true, there's no caffeine at all, but there's Theophylline that has an almost identical effect, and the sense of my phrase remains *exactly* the same, as to say "they drank somethin to stay awakw and meditate", being unimportant the substance of the alkaloid.
If you're interested in knowing more, there's an excellent reading on the net: the Caffeine FAQ. it's helpful, and it's at:

And finally, when saying "Hacker" and "hacking" i meant exactly what the word means, i.e. "Dissector", signifying a person who look at how the things around him are made and work, so to be able to produce other things or optimize the existing ones. This is what i think when I think of hacking. So Perlmonks is made up of hackers, who hack coding something useful; I myself spend whole days dissecting Obfuscated Code to understand how it works, and this IS really useful!!! Better than a hundred of tutorials!
When talkin' about "The Definitive Hacking Tool", finally, i wanted to use the word "hacking" in the way the people whom i was talking about use it, i.e. the wrong one! Just to say that there are many "script kiddies" (and i don't like this definition) who just sit and wait that someone code for them a good new weapon for their IRC wars. I will never understand them...

Sure that PerlMonks is a REAL community! i wouldn't have joined otherwise! And "no", "i didn't mean that you(and me as well) are a bunch of script kiddies", i never meant it and i won't. I like perlmonks, i feel good when i log in and at ease when i read nodes. That's all.
thanks again,
  • Comment on Re: Re: (Perl)Monks, Zen, Caffeine and Hacker Habits

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Re: Re: Re: (Perl)Monks, Zen, Caffeine and Hacker Habits
by Anonymous Monk on Dec 26, 2001 at 22:30 UTC

    green tea (sencha) does have caffeine. Usually a third to a half of what coffee has. Read this FAQ

      no, it actually doesn't contain ANY caffeine. what you read in that poor FAQ is a common way of talking "not too technical", because it's easier to understand when the only thing you wanna know is if you're gonna sleep tonight. Talking of theophilline or theobromine would only confuse things to the eyes of people looking for a simple, direct answer.
      However, the sense of my speech is just the same: i know there is no caffeine but it's not important "as a definition"; it is "as a concept", to state that there's "something that makes you stay awake". thanks for reply! bye SiG

      perl -le 's ssSss.s sSsSiss.s s$ .$s\107ss.print'

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