... I'm stuck ... Write more functions, determine the common parts and turn them into functions, then turn the non-common parts into functions , so you have small functions you can understand
#!/usr/bin/perl --
use strict;
use warnings;
Main( @ARGV );
exit( 0 );
sub Show_Red_HTML {
my( $query ) = @_;
my $dirname = '.';
my $js_includes = js_includes();
my $css_includes = stylesheet_includes();
my $title = "This is the redness";
my $drops = red_dropdown_files( $dirname );
my $body = red_form_html( $query, $drops );
return Show_HTML( "$css_includes $js_includes", $title, $body );
} ## end sub Show_Red_HTML
sub Show_HTML {
my( $head, $title, $body ) = @_;
my $header = common_body_header_html();
my $footer = common_body_footer_html();
return qq{<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> $title </title>
} ## end sub Show_HTML
sub red_dropdown_files {
my( $dirname ) = @_;
use Path::Tiny qw/ path cwd /;
use CGI qw/ escapeHTML /;
my @files = path( $dirname )->children;
my $ret = "";
for my $file ( @files ) {
$ret .= sprintf qq{<option value="%s">%s</option>\n},
escapeHTML( $file ), escapeHTML( $file );
return $ret;
} ## end sub red_dropdown_files
Why write like this? Its easier to test/debug each small part seperately , for example sub Main {
# RealProgram();
} ## end sub Main
sub Tests {
require Test::More;
Test::More->import( 'no_plan' ); ## and ok()...
} ## end sub Tests
sub test_drops {
chdir 'testdir';
my $drops = red_dropdown_files( '.' );
ok( int $drops =~ m{\Q<option value="chapter-8.pdf">\E}, 'drops wo
+rks' );
} ## end sub test_drops
Its important not to forget to escapeHTML |