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Re^2: CPAN Module Installation (aka Oh, God, Here We Go Again)

by Discipulus (Canon)
on Jul 24, 2014 at 11:00 UTC ( [id://1094890]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: CPAN Module Installation (aka Oh, God, Here We Go Again)
in thread CPAN Module Installation (aka Oh, God, Here We Go Again)

Plasma shields UP!! :-)

;=) you do not need it dear zentara, I hope here we are free to express our opinion..

Indeed as stated by Athanasius Strawberry Perl come very handy if you need or want to work with not-freedom-driven OS.

In real life there are a lot of systems (clients and servers) where i put my own usb key with portable perl by strawberry. I use in conjuction with UnxTools and i pipe perl's program to grep and tail for my pleasure.

Strawberry also come with an uptodate version of make and dmake. no pain with cpan installation.

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