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PerlMonks |
nmake-ing Compress::Bzip2 in Win32 errors fatally ***FIXED***by idnopheq (Chaplain) |
on Sep 02, 2001 at 16:26 UTC ( [id://109723]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Morning ( EDT ) all!
With some help from wog and bikeNomad, Compress::Bzip2 seems to have finally compiled for Win32. You can get it from ActiveState perl 5.6.1 users can get it via PPM thusly: ppm install --location= Compress-Bzip2 I'm testing it as I type. Please try it out and /msg me if you find problems. For those who wondered how I built it, here are the steps I took ( must have VC++ 6 ):
In Section
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