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Re: sort to shuffle

by demerphq (Chancellor)
on Sep 03, 2001 at 15:06 UTC ( [id://109842]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to functional programming: sort to shuffle

Cool idea. stefp++.
Curious if sort could get into a 'never finish' scenario if the right values came up from rand though?
Thought you might like this version of the fisher yates shuffle.
sub fy_shuf{my($l,$c,$r)=@_;map{$r=int(rand($_+1)); @$l[$_,$r]=@$l[$r,$_]}reverse 0..$#$l for 0..$c||0}; my @a=(1..52); fy_shuf(\@a,5);
Having had a look at japhy home node I borrowed an idea from him and reduced it more. (Oh and I decided that shuffling mutiple times was unecessary.)
sub fy_shuf{my($l,$r)=@_;map{$r=int(rand(@$l-$_+1));@$l[-$_,$r]=@$l[$r +,-$_]}0..$#$l};

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Re: Re: sort to shuffle
by stefp (Vicar) on Sep 03, 2001 at 18:30 UTC
    It really depends on the internal sort algorithm. The "never finish" scenario is not the worse possible one: on some old versions of perl, my shuffle function crashes the perl interpretor :)

    That is why this really belongs to the obfuscation category... to answer a remark on the CB.

    Anyway, on 5.6, it works fine and dandy.

    -- stefp

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