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Re: Class::DBI Intro

by ThePerlJunkie (Initiate)
on Aug 27, 2014 at 22:59 UTC ( [id://1098819]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Class::DBI Intro

>>>It really requires a large scale project to reap the benefits and be worth the performance hit you take vs. doing traditional SQL queries.<<< Blah! I really don't see why someone would adopt this view. Unless you are doing something very minimal to your database, which almost flies in the face of setting up a database to begin with... I don't think the performance hit is that much compared to the orderliness and re-factorability one automatically brings to their Perl by going with an OO interface to the database. If I have to do more than 1-2 things with the database, I go Class::DBI. It's just as fast as setting up all the dbh and sth handles and it's much more orderly. You're not using Perl for speed anyway, so what's the big deal anyway?!

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