Hello Pasan and welcome to the Monastery.
Of course your code will print "match found" because that is what you are telling it to do. Dump the content of
$fastaH1 through
Data::Dumper to see how your hash looks like. My piece of advice is that if you are reading from a
Bio::SeqIO object then you got to write your output through a
Bio::SeqIO object as well. That way you will save yourself from a lot of the unexpected
Bio::* behaviors.
other things I noticed in your code is that your open statement doesn't capture failure. Alsoe, if you're using a Bio::SeqIO then you don't need to explicitly import all the parent modules.
use strict; #a good habit to start your prog
use warnings;
use Bio::SeqIO;
#load your codes.txt into an array
open(my $fh, "<","codes.txt") or die("could not open codes.txt $!"); #
+a more proper way to opening files
my @codes=<$fh>; #slurping codes.txt into an array
my $obj=Bio::SeqIO->new( #Bio::SeqIO for input
my $out_obj=Bio::SeqIO->new( #Bio::SeqIO for output
while(my $seq=$obj->next_seq){
foreach my $element (@codes){
chomp $element;
if($seq->id=~/$element*?/gi){ #regular-expression based mat
$out_obj->write_seq($seq); #output written to matching.fa
David R. Gergen said "We know that second terms have historically been marred by hubris and by scandal." and I am a two y.o. monk today :D, June,12th, 2011...