in reply to bold color text and export to file

color output was difficult to save in text file

You can do it. It depends of the desired output format... want a yummy pdf?

my $dna = "AAAAAACAAACAAACCCAATATATATATACGACATATATTATATATTATACCCCGGG"; my $preciouss = substr $dna, 15, 28; open (my $output, '>', "latex_file.tex"); print $output "\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{color}\n"; print $output "\\begin{document}\n"; print $output "THIS IS MY BORING GENE: \\textcolor{red}{", $preciouss, + "}\\\\\\textcolor{blue}{OKAY, OKAY... \\textit{NOT SO BORING}, {\\bf + IS RED!}}"; print $output "\n\\end{document}"; close $output; system("pdflatex latex_file.tex"); system("xpdf latex_file.pdf &");

You will need to have installed a decent tex distro and xpdf. See texlive. You can also translate to html, dvi or postscript easily from here, as you will

Update: typo fixed in textit and new link