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Re: How to run a process on an NT server from a client computer

by idnopheq (Chaplain)
on Sep 05, 2001 at 02:14 UTC ( [id://110181]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How to run a process on an NT server from a client computer

If you can provide more information, that would be most helpful. Yet ...

Win32::OLE will do this, anticipating all the participating machines are Win32 and IIRC if excel is all ready running on the destination box. From perldoc:

To create an object via DCOM on a remote server you can use an array reference in place of PROGID. The referenced array must contain the machine name and the program id or class id. For example: my $obj = Win32::OLE->new('', 'Program.Id');

You can also use rcmd from the NT/2K Resource Kit. rcmd is a faux-telnet client-server bit. It is light-weight and highly insecure, but hey ...

You could use VNC. You could write a client-server perl app. TIMTOWTDI. YMMV.

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Re: Re: How to run a process on an NT server from a client computer
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 05, 2001 at 02:33 UTC
    Let's see if I can clarify: I want to do something similar to the system() command. However, the external program I want to run is on a remote computer on my network. The program that I want to run can only be run on that remote computer (i.e. nodelocked program). From my computer, how can I execute a remote *.exe file?
      There are many programs out there for remote execution. You can use a unix-like rsh, or a COM-based thing, or a few others. Find one you like, and use that from Perl. There's one or two in the Resource Kit. I think it was on where I saw one that didn't need software installed on the remote system first. You could even write your own in a few lines of Perl using a socket or named pipe interface.

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