in reply to (tye)Re2: Debugging a CGI
in thread Debugging a CGI
I should also mention that I figured out which TTY
device to use running the tty command.
In my case, this was pts/0.
To open up the permissions on this tty I used
chmod 777 /dev/pts/0, and in the
cgi program the corresponding line is
$ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = 'TTY=/dev/pts/0';
Using the text-based perl debugger reminded me why I like ptkdb so much! The ptkdb GUI is very intuitive, and I really have to struggle to do simple things in the text-mode debugger. This seems strange to me, since I normally don't have problems with text-based tools. I normally get bored with GUIs quickly and seek a text-based solution.
Even so, this is a valuable technique, especially for working across firewalls. I wonder if I could also somehow use ssh?
Thanks tye!
Update:Changed to a better way of determining which tty to use.
It should work perfectly the first time! - toma