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Putting more stuffs from the dist into installation

by sedusedan (Pilgrim)
on Dec 10, 2014 at 23:27 UTC ( [id://1109984]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

sedusedan has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi guys,

I was just wondering, why aren't more stuffs in a Perl/CPAN distribution put into the installation target? I'm thinking specifically about META.json/META.yml (so we can graph dependencies and do a bunch of other stuffs locally). And I probably would also include MANIFEST, LICENSE, Changes, README as they can be regarded as documentation (in Linux dists they go to /usr/share/PKGNAME/). Adding t/ and xt/ is also arguable.

PS: I'm looking at a content of a dist from the .packlist files.

  • Comment on Putting more stuffs from the dist into installation

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Re: Putting more stuffs from the dist into installation (no)
by Anonymous Monk on Dec 10, 2014 at 23:35 UTC

    Because that isn't their purpose

    When you have debian folks removing .packlist files and .bs files ... more files and fatter installs just aren't welcome

    You can always allow/cofigure/direct your cpan to keep your build directory really really big and not delete any build files, so you'll have all the README/INSTALL/META....

    Then there is always metacpan API to find out meta stuff ... see Re: RFC: QA Uploads ( yes, cpanmetadb cpanminus cpanm --latest-unauthorized )

    There is also which is open sources ... this means you can run your own cpan mirror (or mini mirror) or only mirror of approved modules ... and can create dependency graphs and trees

    So there are solutions out there if you want them :)

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