in reply to TinyMCE javascript toolbar

Hi Monks,
So this post was posted with TinyMCE. Here are some features, all from the toolbar:
  1. Some lists without all that ol and ul li stuff,
  2. Second item
Now some unordered items:
  • Text 1 (Some with Bold and some with Italics
  • Text 2 (Strikethrough)
Special characters like ‰ (what is that?)


And lots of other stuff.
It still has a few issues, but they mostly have workarounds which are easer than scripting the HTML yourself. Here are a few:

It suppresses white space.  (Updated OK, white space issue fixed).

p-tags and br-tags are converted to non-breakable space characters. This is not very helpful, so this post has a table for paragraphs. Oh, I forgot it has tables too:
row header
row item
row item

It has a spellcheck but I haven't got it working yet

I haven't quite got the hang of code snips yet. There is a code-tag and a pre-tag. Here they are:

Code tag

use strict;

use warnings;

print @_;

(Note white space problem -now fixed again thanks to "Anon"- and (updated) paired code tags on each line - thanks anon)

Here is a pre-tag

use strict;
use warnings;
print @_;

Updated: unsuported style= attributes in tables and lists.

(Thanks Tye)
I'll keep on plugging and update as I find resolutions.