Silly? It's fantastic! Look at all the replies and well mentioned advice. Some come off as harsh, but that's because we are imperfect beings struggling to express ourself in a language that is very similar, but not quite Perl (and by that, I mean the English language).
I'm writing this while sleepy. Couldn't read your code (well, it is not UNreadable, more like riding in a car on a 15km maximum zone). I guess that is the part of the language what drove people to Python.
Please humor me, and answer me this question: How was your growth process over the last 15 years. Did you loose your perl-golf in lieu of readable code (have you become you a well oiled cog in the machine instead of a perl-fu rebel?).
Personally I've lowered the perl-fu in my code, except for oneliners. There I pull open all registers to keep it short.
And sometimes... sometimes I open NYTProfiler and discover that that other construct I don't use nor like is faster... and then well, it takes a while, but I start using it, begrudgingly, until I forget it was not "mine".
edit: Oh, and perltidy. I code like a madman then use perltidy to get something readable. Madman you say? Yes I mix spaces and tabs... and other things I'm not proud of. | [reply] |