in reply to Dualvar via table

Concerning your code ... TL;DR ... sorry!


> This code is working. But I would be interested in your opinion. What could I do better?

dualvar means fiddling with internals, especially if you need to tie it with even more magic, too.

I'd reserve this approach for really hard to achieve stuff or temporary tricks (like for debugging)

IMHO using OOP together with overload for stringification and numification (see overload# String, numeric, boolean, and regexp conversions ) offers a much better interface and is easier to maintain. (untested!°)

HTH! :)

Cheers Rolf
(addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
Wikisyntax for the Monastery FootballPerl is like chess, only without the dice


°) see Cookbook section in overload for an example

# Two-face Scalars # Put this in in your Perl library directory: package two_face; # Scalars with separate string and # numeric values. sub new { my $p = shift; bless [@_], $p } use overload '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num, fallback => 1; sub num {shift->[1]} sub str {shift->[0]} # Use it as follows: require two_face; my $seven = two_face->new("vii", 7); printf "seven=$seven, seven=%d, eight=%d\n", $seven, $seven+1; print "seven contains 'i'\n" if $seven =~ /i/; # (The second line creates a scalar which has both a string value, and + a numeric value.) This prints: seven=vii, seven=7, eight=8 seven contains 'i'