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Re: storing a file in 2d array

by clueless newbie (Curate)
on May 03, 2020 at 16:15 UTC ( [id://11116395]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to storing a file in 2d array

shabird has a number of posts (ead a file which has three columns and store the content in a hash, Query of multi dimentional array, storing a file in 2d array) that are somewhat similar. Hence "" which makes use of DBI, DBD::CSV, Getopt::Long::Descriptive, and Text::Table

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy=1; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1; use DBI; use Getopt::Long::Descriptive('describe_options'); use Text::Table; use 5.01800; (our $opts,my $usage)=describe_options( $0.' %o <some-arg>', ,['directory|d=s' ,'the working directory </Users/Desktop>' ,{ + default => '/Users/Desktop' }] ,['extension|e=s' ,'the file extension <.txt/r>' , +{ default => '.txt/r' }] ,['separator|s=s' ,'the separating character<"\t">' , +{ default => "\t" }] ,['sql=s', ,'the sql' , +{ required => 1 }] ,[] ,['verbose|v' ,'print extra stuff' ] ,['help' ,'print usage message and exit' , +{ shortcircuit => 1 }] ); warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$opts],[qw(*opts)]),' ' if ($opts->{verbose} +); if ($opts->help()) { # MAN! MAN! say <<"_HELP_"; @{[$usage->text]} _HELP_ exit; } else { # No MAN required. }; # Get a connection to the database tables # ... as this is DBD::CSV a table is a file my $dbh=DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:", undef, undef, { f_dir => $opts->directory(), f_ext => $opts->extension(), csv_sep_char => $opts->separator(), RaiseError => 1, }) or die "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr"; eval { # Prepare and execute the sql my $sth=$dbh->prepare($opts->sql()); $sth->execute(); # get the names of the fields returned by the select my $field_aref=$sth->{NAME}; my $table=Text::Table->new(\'|', map {( { title => $_ }, \'|') } @{$field_aref} ) if ($#{$field_aref}); # and dump them ... warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$field_aref],[qw(*field_aref)]),' ' if ( +$opts->verbose()); # Get the selection one row at a time while (my $value_aref=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { # dump the values from the select warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$value_aref],[qw(*value_aref)]),' ' +if ($opts->verbose()); # For simplicity we will make a hash where the keys are the fi +eld names and the values are the values of those fields my %_h; @_h{@$field_aref}=@$value_aref; # since everything looks reasonable ... if (defined &with_each_row) { # have a &with_each_row so ... with_each_row(\%_h); } elsif (@$field_aref > 1) { # select has multiple fields so ... # dump the hash to confirm all is what we expect warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\%_h],[qw(*_h)]),' ' if ($opts->v +erbose()); $table->load($value_aref) if (defined $table); } else { # only one field say $value_aref->[0]; } } if (defined &in_summary) { in_summary(); } elsif (defined $table) { print $table->title(), $table->rule('-','|'), $table->body(), $table->body_rule('-','-'); }; }; $@ and Carp::croak "SQL database error: $@"; __END__

Yes, I'm guilty of heresy - I confess I'm on Windows.

perl --help [-desv] [long options...] <some-arg> -d STR --directory STR the working directory </Users/Desktop> -e STR --extension STR the file extension <.txt/r> -s STR --separator STR the separating character<"\t"> --sql STR the sql -v --verbose print extra stuff --help print usage message and exit

Let us assume that we have stored the data from the nodes as x<node number>.txt in the local directory, we have "x11114659.txt", "x11115466.txt" and "x11116298.txt" so for ead a file which has three columns and store the content in a hash:

.>perl -d . --sql "select regulation from x11115466" up down NA up up up down down down up up down up NA NA up up

or as a nice table (when the select returns more than one field ... we get a table)

.>perl -d . --sql "select genename, regulation from x1111546 +6" |genename |regulation| |----------|----------| |APOL4 |up | |CYP2C8 |down | |NAALADL2 |NA | |NANOS3 |up | |C20orf204 |up | |MIR429 |up | |MIR200A |down | |MIR200B |down | |CFL1P4 |down | |AC091607.1|up | |RPL19P20 |up | |SREK1IP1P1|down | |CCT5P2 |up | |CHTF8P1 |NA | |FAR1P1 |NA | |AC067940.1|up | |AL662791.1|up | -----------------------

For Query of multi dimentional array:

..>perl -d . --sql "select concat(GeneID,' ',(Tp1+tp2+tp3)) +from x11114659 order by GeneId" ALA1 33 THR8 168 HUA4 476 ABA5 17

or again as table

..> perl -d . --sql "select GeneID, (Tp1+tp2+tp3) as sum fr +om x11114659 order by GeneId" |GeneID|sum| |------|---| |ABA5 | 17| |ALA1 | 33| |HUA4 |476| |THR8 |168| ------------

And finally for storing a file in 2d array:

..>perl -d . --sql "select concat(ProteinName,'; ',MF1,'; ', +MF2,'; ',MF3) as whatever from x11116298" GH1; Growth factor activity; Growth hormone receptor binding; Hormone +activity POMC; G protein-coupled receptor binding; Hormone activity; Signaling +receptor binding THRAP3; ATP binding Source; Nuclear receptor transcription coactivator + activity; Phosphoprotein binding

Now the count function doesn't seem to be behaving itself so this "select regulation, count(*) from x11115466 group by regulation" throws an error. But there's a simple work-around. Supply a module that exports two subs "with_each_row" and "in_summary" - "with_each_row" is fed the reference to a hash of field names and their values, and "in_summary" is called once the select is exhausted.

package Example; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; our @ISA=qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT=qw(with_each_row in_summary); use Data::Dumper; use 5.01800; my %_H; sub with_each_row { my ($_HREF)=@_; warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$_HREF],[qw(*_HREF)]),' ' if ($main: +:opts->verbose()); $_H{$_HREF->{regulation}}++; }; sub in_summary { for my $key (sort keys %_H) { printf "%10s:%-10s\n",$key,$_H{$key}; }; }; 1;

Fortunately, for us, there is no need to change any code in ... we simply make use ot the -M option and get

..>perl -MExample -d . --sql "select genename, regulation fr +om x11115466" NA:3 down:5 up:9

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