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Last hour of cb has not updated since Aug 05, 2020.

by Lady_Aleena (Priest)
on Aug 11, 2020 at 20:07 UTC ( [id://11120624]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Just thought you would like to know that the last hour of cb has not updated since Aug 05, 2020 at 12:55 EDT.

My OS is Debian 10 (Buster); my perl versions are 5.28.1 local and 5.16.3 or 5.30.0 on web host depending on the shebang.

No matter how hysterical I get, my problems are not time sensitive. So, relax, have a cookie, and a very nice day!
Lady Aleena
  • Comment on Last hour of cb has not updated since Aug 05, 2020.

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Re: Last hour of cb has not updated since Aug 05, 2020.
by Tanktalus (Canon) on Sep 01, 2020 at 14:27 UTC

    My apologies.

    Given how much I use perl and/or perlmonks lately, how my entire ecosystem has changed over the last few years, about the only reliable way to get a hold of me is my nick at Hangouts, email, whatever.

    Seems like the coro thread used to update LHoCB gets stuck once in a while, and I have to restart the process to clear it out. I just don't have the tuits to figure out the root of the problem. Maybe I can find time to have it touch a semaphore file or something, even when there's no update required (but one was looked for), and then a cron job to restart it if there's no movement in 15 minutes or something. But even finding time for that will be challenging ...

      Knowing nothing of its inner workings, I'd go for a daily cron job which simply kills and restarts the process. This seems to me a good compromise between (needed) tuits and (positive) outcome. Especially since it seldom happens more often than daily ;-)

        While that would be understandable if this were a simple unix-style tool that did one thing and only one thing, the reality is that this service does way too much stuff.

        • Fetches CB every 5 minutes (or less!)
        • Updates DB
        • Updates LHoCB (from DB)
        • Acts as a CB client when you telnet into it (WTF???) - if this is active, then the fetcher can get to be much more frequent.

        I generally have one or two socket clients connected to the service at all times, so restarting the service daily would mean that those windows wouldn't have the history going back through the night (or whenever I restarted it). So I'm loathe to restart it willy-nilly.

        If I were to redesign it now, I would separate these things out into pieces. The fetcher/sender would feed a pub-sub service (possibly redis). The DB-updater would be a separate process to push into the database. The update of LHoCB would be a cron job (read from db, send to perlmonks). The CB client would also listen to the pub-sub service. (Note that the CB stats already is a separate cron job.) And then your suggestion would make a lot of sense (in fact, if the fetcher and sender were separate, I could just throw it into a cron job, but then I wouldn't be able to dynamically increase the frequency of fetches based on CB usage). But I'm never going to do all that. So I'm going to live within what I've got until such a time as I grow bored of worrying about it or perlmonks itself dies.

Re: Last hour of cb has not updated since Aug 05, 2020.
by choroba (Cardinal) on Aug 11, 2020 at 20:13 UTC
    Only Tanktalus is able to revive it, and his last time here aligns nicely with the date you provided:

    Last here: Aug 03, 2020 at 22:14 CEST (1 week ago)

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Re: Last hour of cb has not updated since Aug 05, 2020.
by marto (Cardinal) on Aug 11, 2020 at 20:21 UTC

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