in reply to Unable to find my mistake

use strict; use warnings; my $par_value = 3; my $inData = <<INDATA; wire [130 : 0] dgrs_1; wire [130 : 0] dgrs_2; wire [130 : 0] mgs_1; wire [130 : 0] mgs_2; wire [130 : 0] pqr_1; wire [130 : 0] pqr_2; int abc; int pqr_1; int pqr_2; .dgrs_1(dgrs_1); .dgrs_2(dgrs_2); .mgs_1(mgs_1); .mgs_2(mgs_2); INDATA open my $in_fh1, '<', \$inData; while (my $line = <$in_fh1>) { if ($line =~ m{ \A (.*dgrs) }xms) { print "${1}_$_;\n" for 1 .. $par_value; } if ($line =~ m{ \A ("\.dgrs") }xms) { print "${1}_$_;\n" for 1 .. $par_value; } if ($line =~ m{ \A (.*mgs) }xms) { print "${1}_$_;\n" for 1 .. $par_value; } if ($line =~ m{ \A (.*pqr) }xms) { print "${1}_$_;\n" for 1 .. $par_value; } elsif ($line !~ m/(?:dgrs|mgs|pqr)/) { print $line; } } close $in_fh1;

seems sufficient to reproduce your problem. Check your regular expressions are matching what you expect them to.

Optimising for fewest key strokes only makes sense transmitting to Pluto or beyond