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Re: Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report

by salva (Canon)
on May 09, 2021 at 10:19 UTC ( [id://11132300]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report

Neil Bowers has published an Open Letter to the Perl Foundation Board also signed by prominent members of the Perl community (or communities!).

It is being discussed in reddit. And also in the rakulang subreddit.

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Re^2: Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report
by syphilis (Archbishop) on May 09, 2021 at 11:39 UTC
    Neil Bowers has published an Open Letter to the Perl Foundation Board also signed by prominent members of the Perl community (or communities!)

    Oh dear ... you've gotta feel sympathy for the poor ol' CAT.
    They get rid of one troublemaker, and 10 more pop up to take its place.
    (It's like Greek Mythology on steroids.)


      "They get rid of one troublemaker, and 10 more pop up to take its place."

      Interesting, what makes you believe these people to be troublemakers?

        Interesting, what makes you believe these people to be troublemakers?

        I was thinking from the POV of the CAT.
        I don't really have a POV on this as I'm pretty sure I'm not in possession of all of the facts.

        One thing I do recall is that Andreas (whose name sits at the op of the list of signatories) launched a sustained attack on Sawyer shortly after Sawyer took over as pumpkin.
        I can't recall the details, though the interchange should still be available on the p5p archives. I think it was over a lack of communication ... or perhaps something to do with the banning of Marc Lehmann ... or perhaps both.
        Anyway, Sawyer maintained it was a situation that he had inherited, rather than one that had been initiated/caused by him. But that didn't seem to deter Andreas.
        I can't help but wonder if there's not some long held grudges (clique vs clique ?) being unleashed here.
        Of course, I don't really know. Do you ?

      Humans are indeed the biggest troublemakers...

      ...we really should get rid of them all for good.

      Cheers Rolf
      (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
      Wikisyntax for the Monastery

        ... we really should get rid of them all for good

        Oh, I think they'll all eventually be got rid of, irrespective of what you and I do ;-)


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