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Re^3: Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report

by 1nickt (Canon)
on Jun 26, 2021 at 10:54 UTC ( [id://11134328]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report
in thread Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report

He complained about a Raku contributor who had used racist language in commit messages and documentation. You can find the offending language if you follow links to the Git repos cited in the thread by SRI.

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  • Comment on Re^3: Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report

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Re^4: Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Jun 26, 2021 at 12:18 UTC
    He complained about a Raku contributor who had used racist language in commit messages and documentation.

    Which Raku contributor ?
    What was the racist language ?

    You can find the offending language if you follow links to the Git repos cited in the thread by SRI

    Could you please provide those links ? (I don't know where to find them.)

    If people aren't prepared to provide explicit information then I would suggest that they post to places like twitter and facebook - which are specifically designed to cater for innuendo and bullshit.
    But please don't pollute perlmonks with such rubbish.


      "Could you please provide those links ? (I don't know where to find them.)"

      The links begin on the second 'message' in that URL you posted.

      "If people aren't prepared to provide explicit information then I would suggest that they post to places like twitter and facebook - which are specifically designed to cater for innuendo and bullshit"
      But please don't pollute perlmonks with such rubbish. '

      For what it's worth 1nickt commented on a post you made (including a link to twitter content, see your statement) which provides links to the evidence you seek. I didn't downvote but feel the criticism of 1nickt is unjust.

      I also couldn't see it for a while (so this commit adds master as a default branch...), but then I looked at the commit message instead of the content. That's unambiguously racist language.

        In the link, it's right there in bold, you are right unambiguously racist and incredibly offensive.

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